Feb 26, 2009


My new design, fashionholic blogger template , especially for fashion or girl blog. Three column, fresh pink and blue with unique detail at top header. Here's the screenshoot.

fashionholic blogger template

[Preview] | [Download]

Installation settings

Toplinks Setting

Edit this code, replace by your own link

<div class='toplinks'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a>
<a class='topnav_about' href='http://YOURLINK.com'>About</a>
<a class='topnav_contact' href='mailto:YOUR-EMAIL-HERE>Contact</a>

Navbar Setting

How to?

1. Open Layut>Edit HTML

2. Find this code below. Press Ctrl+F for easier search.

<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<a href='#'>Sample Page</a>
<li><a href='#'>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Blog Page</a></li>

3. Edit your link. For example

<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>

<li><a href='mailto:missblabla@gmail.com'>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href='http://blogger.com'>Login</a></li>
<li><a href='http://YOUR-POST-LINK.com'>About Me</a></li>

3. To add more link, add this code <li><a href='http://YOUR-LINK.com'>Text Menu</a></li>

Feb 24, 2009

Shoot Your Web View

After I've finished my template design, of course I have to preview on different browser. What's my template looks like? On my notebook only installed three browser, Mozilla Firefox 3, Opera, and IE (Internet Explorer? I almost forget that I've this browser ^_^) . So what the solution is? Fortunately I found Browsershots.

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl.

When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.

New featured menu is Showcase contains about 30,000+ design in gallery. So many unique and beautiful web design that can be inspiring design. No need to Googling and click one by one search result, just browsing on this gallery and you'll find your niche design

Feb 22, 2009

Sorry For Unconvenience

Attention Please:

To avoid bandwidth exceed of my imagehosting causes image can't be displayed, really really suggested to upload background image and another image to your own hosting...

How to:

  1. Save Image Background. If you're using Mozilla Firefox, right click on your page, select view imagebackground, save and upload it to your imagehosting such as photobucket.com or imageshack.us . Or, open edit HTML, you can find image background URL, copy paste and go to address. Save image and upload it on your imagehosting.
  2. Edit HTML code. Copy URL link from your imagehosting, paste to HTML code
It's Better to prepare ^_^v

Feb 19, 2009

Blak Magik

Dark wooden Wordpress theme called Blak Magik, designed by Mr Gopal from Productive Dreams. I always admire unique design. I've converted it to blogger template. Here's the screenshoot

blak magik blogger template

Setting and installation

Go to Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

Choose this format, example : Sunday, 28 February 2009.

Go to Layout>Edit HTML. Check on Expand Widget Template checkbox

Header Setting
Preparing your own image header size 496x109 pixel, upload to your own imagehosting such as photobucket.com

a. Edit this Code

#headerimg {
margin: 0;
width: 45%;
background:transparent url(http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE) no-repeat left;

and then

<div id='header'>
<div id='headerimg'>
<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'/></h1>
<div class='description'>YOUR-BLOG-DESCRIPTION-HERE</div>

Toplinks Setting

Toplinks contain home, RSS, contact link element.

Edit this code

<div class='toplinks'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a>
<a class='topnav_rss' href='http://YOUR-FEED-HERE'>RSS</a>
<a class='topnav_contact' href='YOUR-CONTACT-HERE'>Contact</a>

Navigation Bar Menu

Edit this code

<div id='NavbarMenu'>
<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE ttp://'>Sample Page</a>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Blog Page</a></li>

Bottom Menu Setting

Edit this code

<div id='creditright'>
<ul id='cred'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE ttp://'>Sample Page</a>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Blog Page</a></li>

Download xml file [here]

Download image [here]

Remember to back up all image to your own imagehosting.
Appreciate to theme designer by not removing credit footer. He spent lot of time to make it free for you. Hope you can respect it.

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Gamezine, another great design from Jinsona for game lover, and converted to blogger by my friend, Cahaya Biru, great job Man ;) . Gamezine Blogger Template suitable for gaming site. So many element and image you have to upload, but don't worry he'll guide you step by step to install. To avoid bandwidth exceed, suggested to upload image on your own imagehosting. Here's the screenshoot. Click to go to original site.

Feb 17, 2009

Greeny Girl

Another my blogger template for girl or woman. Green, fresh, cute, (I guess haha). It's so simply no special setting. This template best preview on Firefox, Opera. If you're using Internet Explorer, I suggest you to update the latest version.

Zinmag Tribune

Are you magazine addicted? Here's the latest magazine style blogger template, adopted from Wordpress Theme, Zinmag Tribune. Another Jinsona's great design and converted to blogger by Alvaris Falcon. You can check another Zinmag series Zinmag Remedy, Zinmag Primus, Zinmag Forex, Zinmag Futura. More effort to set up magazine style, it's worth for elegant looks. Here's the straight shortcut to original source. Read instruction carefully.

zinmag tribune blogger template

Feb 15, 2009

Pinky Girl

Another girly template, pinky stripe background.
To show the date, setting your timestamp format to Day, Month Date Year (for example Sunday, February 15 2009) . Go to setting>Formatting>Time Stamp Format.

Feb 14, 2009

Zinmag Futura

Zinmag Futura, another Wordpress Theme designed by Jinsona, is now converted to Blogger Template by Cahaya Biru . Zinmag Futura Blogger Template fully magazine style, with slide featured similar to Zinmag Remedy and another Zinmag familiy. If you prefer to bright color magazine template than the dark one, Zinmag Futura is the right choice.

As you know, Magazine style blogger template consist of so many element. You must spent more time to learn how to setting up so many element. But do not worry, you can go to Converter's Blog to check installation setting and download it free. Get your best magazine look

Feb 8, 2009


My another blogger template design. I call this D'Black Blogger Template. Most of element using dark and black color.

General information
  • Black, Dark
  • Three Column
  • Four Column at lower
  • Blogger Login Form Widget
Download xml file, installation setting is attached. Please read carefully installation settings to get theme look properly. Any question, please leave comment here.

dblack blogger template ipietoon

Feb 3, 2009

Free Emoticon Gallery


Even I have no basic formal education in design but I love art and adore designer so much. Including cute stuff i.e emoticon and smiley. That's a simply thing but so cute. This is my emoticon gallery, you can visit and download it free Cute Emoticon Gallery. Here they are...

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket hamtaro emoticon Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucketand many more

I have a lot of collection, and will upload it all soon. Any suggestion for other filehosting beside ziddu.com?

Feb 1, 2009

Black Brown Art

Here's another modification of dark brown template. Three column with art header. No special setting, upload it and voila hope it's work ^_^. Special for Seamos Realistas, thanks for your suggestion. Here for you.


UPDATED March 23 2009

Black Brown Pop

Here is the sequel (what a sequel is? lol) of my first two column dark brown template. Thanks for appreciating my first template and for the correction.
I make a three column style, based on personal theme. No special setting requirements.


Any question, suggestion, just leave comment here. UPDATED March 23 2009

Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008