Feb 19, 2009

Blak Magik

Dark wooden Wordpress theme called Blak Magik, designed by Mr Gopal from Productive Dreams. I always admire unique design. I've converted it to blogger template. Here's the screenshoot

blak magik blogger template

Setting and installation

Go to Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

Choose this format, example : Sunday, 28 February 2009.

Go to Layout>Edit HTML. Check on Expand Widget Template checkbox

Header Setting
Preparing your own image header size 496x109 pixel, upload to your own imagehosting such as photobucket.com

a. Edit this Code

#headerimg {
margin: 0;
width: 45%;
background:transparent url(http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE) no-repeat left;

and then

<div id='header'>
<div id='headerimg'>
<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'/></h1>
<div class='description'>YOUR-BLOG-DESCRIPTION-HERE</div>

Toplinks Setting

Toplinks contain home, RSS, contact link element.

Edit this code

<div class='toplinks'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a>
<a class='topnav_rss' href='http://YOUR-FEED-HERE'>RSS</a>
<a class='topnav_contact' href='YOUR-CONTACT-HERE'>Contact</a>

Navigation Bar Menu

Edit this code

<div id='NavbarMenu'>
<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE ttp://'>Sample Page</a>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Blog Page</a></li>

Bottom Menu Setting

Edit this code

<div id='creditright'>
<ul id='cred'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE ttp://'>Sample Page</a>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href=' http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE '>Blog Page</a></li>

Download xml file [here]

Download image [here]

Remember to back up all image to your own imagehosting.
Appreciate to theme designer by not removing credit footer. He spent lot of time to make it free for you. Hope you can respect it.

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  1. gambarnya tambah jelas neh, jadi lebih keren

  2. @pak dhe suryaden:duh sayange aku durung iso nggambar

  3. heheh heheh heheh
    akhirnya panjenengan ketularan nulis HTML juga...


  4. Jadi pengen buat juga, ajari dong :D

  5. Thanks for your Template :D

  6. kayaknya bagus ya mba..pengen bikin pake wp...tapi katanya susah heheh

  7. makasi template nya ya kak... :)

  8. sudah seperti biasa DUA JEMPOL KE ATAS !!!!!

  9. sampai lupa....aku suka dengan namanya - Blak bukan Black :D

  10. Aloha!
    just visiting u my friend and your nice template. I started reading.......... lol.

  11. hitam.... two thumbs up Bong..... good job.

  12. I need help. I have no idea about what to do on the rar file I downloaded. How could I get the code? :(

  13. @anna monique:extract the file, you have to install winzip or winrar software to extract the file

  14. Something is wrong with the date - it displays as "Undefined" can you suggest a fix?

  15. @Rocket: ups, forget to notice, set your time stamp format to this fomat, for example

    Sunday, 28 February 2009

  16. First of all, thank you for this.

    And now...

    A few questions if you don't mind. One, why does my website (http://bredforwar.blogspot.com/) seem to load correctly in Firefox but not internet explorer, two how do I find out my rss feed, third, how do I get rid of the text under the header (I am still crediting the author on the bottom of the page at all times), and fourth what do I put where it says to insert my email, I did that and all it does is give me a bad page (you can click it if you want).

    I hate to hit a person with all these questions but I finally just made the transition from Wordpress to Blogger. So far I like it but I am still getting my feet wet.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

  17. @Vonus
    1. Im sorry, IE is the most difficult browser to adjust. i can't find the bug yet on IE, why it doesn't load
    2.your default rss feed is http://bredforwar.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
    3.Read Navigation Bar Menu installation guide
    4.type this mailto:bfwadmin@gmail.com

  18. @Vonus:you can try this template from another converter, http://wpbloggerthemes.blogspot.com/

  19. Thanks for the fast response. Best help I have seen, and it was free. Thanks again.

  20. Not quite sure still what I am supposed to be looking for on that webpage. Only thing I saw of similarity to here was the same theme with an option for wordpress. I would use wordpress if that is what you are asking but I am led to believe they charge for customization of that level.

  21. @Vonus: for complicated level they charge for it, but they release blak magik, free

  22. I meant the hosting it's self costs. I had gone to wordpress and it seems if I use anything beyond the provided themes then I gotta pay a fee. That is not a big deal for me though, it was never something I expect to get around. I am fine with blogger, just got to get used to it.

  23. I hope you don't mind one more question. Is it possible to make the description text have a background alpha.

    Don't feel obligated to answer, it seems I have already taken quite a bit of your time.

  24. @vonus:never mind, i like to discuss :) I have another blog using wordpress, its hosting costs, but wordpress have a lot of great free template :) Am still learning how to. What do you mean about background alpha?

  25. I meant how behind the text that reads "Member of the WarhammerAlliance.com WCPI." there is a black bar. Instead I would like just the text colored and the black bar to be gone.

    You honestly got me considering though just dropping the blogger and paying for a wordpress blog. If you don't mind me asking, who do you pay for your hosting?

    I just find wordpress is so much easier to use. Blogger also does not have some of it's features.

  26. @Vonus:wow great, you customize your background, match to your blog topic...

    Find this code

    #headerimg div.description{
    padding:0px 2px;


    I pay $8 for domain and $20 for hosting , a year. Hosting is depend on your bandwidth need, cheapest hosting is about $9, of course with less capacity and bandwidth.
    I buy it from my my friend in my country, it's easier to consult...

  27. Thanks. Worked like a charm. You seem very lucky. I have not bought hosting before but it seems the cheapest I can find for simply hosting a blog is around $5 a month but they make me sign up for several years at once.

    Thanks again for the help. I will make sure to send people back to your blogs way.

  28. thank you for template..

  29. hello friend I have a problem with the blog.
    commented that the word is in the post since it has a problem in different browsers and is always used in different places


  30. @cuadro:problem is solved..unfortunately you remove credit footer link ...

  31. thanks for ur superb template...but the comments and the footer does not come up on the second page 'older post'

  32. xboys: im not sure what you mean.. I've previewed it, nothing's wrong... if comments and footer does'nt show, it's because based on original template

  33. Cebong ipiet, it seems that you have all the answers. I know a bit of html and css (unfortunately, not experienced with xhtml). I tried to replace my template with the XML i downloaded but when I try to save the customizations, all i get is a big error with the code:


    I hope you can help. Thank you.

  34. @ome:hi Ome, what's your browser? usually it's cookies problem, try to clear cookies first,
    if there's still a problem, second step is delete your widget first

    let me know if it works

  35. im using firefox. ok, will try removing widgets.

  36. i've removed every widget in the original layout. what's left is the header. When I replace the template with the XML you made, it asks if i would want to delete the widget Header. I confirm and Save. Then the same error happens.

    It works on Preview though.

  37. @ome:hummm...let me try..you can edit through Edit HTML, and delete your div id='header' first.. try on trial template first :)

  38. @ome : im sorry, i've tried it :) but everything is okey.. i didn't find any error

  39. cebong: try click at 'older post' see on the page there is comment picture and also footer post disappear.

  40. @sol :yeah I know that...it's based on original design of productive dreams, I just convert it and make it only appear on homepage

  41. can u fixed that? and also if i dont put title on sidebar can the images disappear autmatically

  42. @sol:of course it will not shown if you dont put sidebar title

    It's common to make comment icon disappear when you click post. And footer post will looks not so match when comment form is opened

  43. cebong, i was able to use it. i removed all widgets in the XML you made. I just replaced it when i installed the template. thank you!

  44. @ome: great..glad to see it works..

  45. I LOVE this theme - two questions,

    Is there a "read more" link that I can post, is there a way that the comments link can be moved to the bottom of the page since it's a bit inconvenient for readers to finish the text and then have to scroll back up to the top in order to comment (makes a lot of back and forth for readers)

    Is there a way to change the font as the current one looks a bit ragged.

    PS: I'm a novice, so HTML is not my strong suit, links will help more. LOL

    Thanks again.

  46. @miss pearl:
    1. to set readmore, read this http://www.ipietoon.com/2009/03/automatic-thumbnail-and-readmore.html

    2. to move comment link need a lil bit complicated step. if i were a reader, i usually click the post title so don't need to click comment link

    3. just edit font-family on Edit HTML. Choose your font-family as ur preference

  47. I love the fact that you continually help people with the use of your templates! Yours is the first one that I actually put onto my site that worked - and the instructions were easy to follow.

    I actually like Wordpress better than blogger, but wordpress is way too much drama and not very user friendly.

    Question, though - if you look at my page: http://pearlswindow.com, you'll see that the "read more" link is there, however, it shows up at the end of the post, which defeats the purpose.

    I'd like to have a certain amount of text show in addition to the pictures and videos on the main page while if more than say... anything more than 600 characters will be followed by the "read more" link.

    I tried changing the numbers in the HTML code provided, but it still shows the entire post and shows the "read more" link at the bottom, but by the time you actually GET to the read more link - there is nothing left to read.


  48. Kok saya template yang saya pakai readmore nya kadang2 berfungsi kadang2 tidak?
    Dan Footer nya gak biza dibagi 3?
    Please see my blog 4dyxtm.blogspot.com
    balaz ke 4dy.tkj@gmail.com ya

  49. @pearl: host script to your own host
    @blog anak IT: pindah script nya ke hosting km sendiri...

  50. header image is not coming

    this one


  51. @malina: change time stamp format (not header format)

  52. ambil~~~

    btw kalo ga ada headerna gimana?

  53. @fakely: msti nambah header sendiri :D ya dihapus aja..

  54. I was completely blown away, very nice designs.

  55. I am using this theme and the header_bg is not showing up. I find no graphic now when I use the page.


    Can you please fix this?
    Thank you!
    I LOVE this design!

  56. @raising:Read my post. I've inserted image download link. Upload header_bg.jpg to your own hosting such as imageshack, and then replace the code. This is free template, I can't provide hosting too

  57. gimana yah caranya kalo mau ngerubah background-nya? tolong diajarin step by step donk...maklum newbie nich ...thx ya

  58. Recommend hoting images on picasa or some other free image host. Don't rely on template creators to host images for you. While the large majority will be fine, if one goes offline or just deletes their template, yours is gone.


  59. @CHUNKY: thanks for your suggestion. I always warn them, to upload to their own hosting. :) i also insert image download link , thanks for all who realize this

  60. I have a question. I downloaded the template and it working fine except the date. Why it is so...? It will be great if you can help me

  61. mervik, i have state it clearly at my post, have you read it

    Go to Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

    Choose this format, example : Sunday, 28 February 2009.

  62. That is great yaar...just with in a few minutes you answered...Good good...

    Really i admire that..i liked it...

  63. Thanks buddy i finished with the issue..

  64. This is a great template. Do you have a 3-column version of this?


  65. @online mommy: thats template based on original design , sorry, I dont have

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. The time stamp format worked fine for the June posts, but the month is not showing up for my July posts. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? I have the timestamp set up as you have specified in the instructions.
    Thank you!


  68. @addie: humm im not sure because i didnt see anything different with my source... and my demo is working normally

    try to expand font size

    .month {
    margin:0px 30px 5px 0;
    padding:5px 0 0 0;
    font:normal 11px arial;

    change font to 12px

  69. Cebong Ipiet: That fixed it perfectly!!! Thank you soooo very much for your help and super fast response! I LOVE this blog layout!

  70. Hi, I used this template but I have some problems with the date...
    My Blog is in spanish and I can't find the format's date that you gave us... I think that is becaouse it's a blog in spanish and not in English, so? What can I do? Can u help me?

  71. @anonym: not date format
    but timestamp...
    under date header

  72. Jeje that was the problem I thought that was the FORMAT DATE :) but now is Ok... Thank u!!!

  73. you're welcome gracias

  74. kang,... format tanggalnya undefined.udah tak format di setting>format date.tapi kok tetep undefined.bantu aku donk..........thanx

  75. hore.......udah jadi kang.aku yang kurang cermat.thanks templatenya ya......

  76. Hey! Thanks a lot for the template, it's beautiful!
    Some idea to edit the "Blak Magik" image at the top of the template?

    I'm keeping the footer credits, so everybody will now know the genius behind the template =)

    Regards from Mexico City.

  77. http://epnu.blogspot.com
    link me:P

  78. @maestro:thanks :)
    edit this

    #headerimg {
    margin: 0;
    width: 45%;
    background:transparent url(http://YOUR-LINK-HEADER-IMAGE-HERE) no-repeat left;

    change to your own background image URL

  79. sis... template nya keren² semua, sampai bingung mau pkae yang mana.
    akhirnya pakai yang ini deh.

    sis, klo mau bikin postingan tapi yang paten enggak bisa tertumpuk dengan postingan lain nya bila aku bikin postingan baru.
    soalnya aku batesin 3 postingan yang muncul.

    dan klo mau nambahin tanggal gmn ya sis coding nya.

    terima kasih.

  80. @anyshop: maksudnya paten gimana? kalau bikin postingan baru tentu ga akan bertumpuk
    tanggal nya cukup di setting timestamp format nya

    Go to Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

    Choose this format, example : Sunday, 28 February 2009.

  81. gmn yaaa... masukin beberapa gambar dalam satu postingan tp beberapa gambar itu tertata rapih.

    ow iya sis, aku ada nambahin html untuk status YM, tp kok enggga ada efek nya yaaa? di Blog tetep Offline, padahal YM ku sudah online.

  82. tertata rapi bagaimana? saat upload kan ada pilihan align center, gambar bisa di cut kemudian di paste, di tatas sesuai selera

  83. maksud ku, aku mau tambahin seperti yang ada di template ini http://girlzshoppingblog.blogspot.com
    bagian Recomanded Product... mau aku tambahin di blog ku sis.

    tolong yaaa sis

  84. :) hehe, diintip aja kodenya , bisa di copast aja

  85. sudah di copas tp mala error. gambar nya engga mau keluar dan navigasi nya engga mau jalan.

    trus biar agak naik ke atas gmn sis... maksudnya penempatannya di bagian posting.

  86. Hello,

    There seems to be an issue with the positions of the comment images while viewing the template in IE. They're slightly higher than if you're viewing it in Firefox, or another browser. Also, while viewing in IE, you'll notice that the "Labels" section of the last post on the page is not connected to the post itself. There's a good gap between the two.

    Is there a fix for this?

  87. @online shop: kalau di posting, ga perlu edit apa apa, ya cukup posting seperti biasa saja

  88. Hi again. Is there any way you could help me with the IE issues I pointed out earlier, please?

    Here's some screenshots I have taken to elaborate a little more.

    Comment images out of place:

    Gap between last post and "Labels" section:

  89. Oh, and here's the blog - http://stuckindoors.blogspot.com/

  90. what IE version you use? Im sorry, im stuck on IE 6 , never use it anymore
    maybe you just can remove comment background
    this template best view in IE 7 and the latest version of IE

  91. @anonym:where do you download this template? I have updated this template, try to re-download it and apply on your trial blog to view the difference, is there any bug in earlier version of IE

  92. Hi,

    Thanks for the response. I downloaded the template from btemplates.com. Is the one above an updated version?

  93. pls re-download it, the newest version is from my blog
    You can try it before apply on your blog

  94. Done. Everything seems to be in order now. Thanks for making such an exquisite template.

  95. Hello again,

    When I host the images myself there seems to be a problem with the "header_bg.jpg" image.

    When I replace the url to point to where I have the image hosted, it doesn't appear in the correct place. Here's a screenshot: http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd245/wildey1/SISCN.jpg

    Here's where the image is hosted: http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd245/wildey1/header_bg.jpg

    Any ideas?

  96. @anonym: photobucket limit image size maximum 1024px, original background image size more than 1024px, I suggest you to use imageshack, no limit size

  97. Is there a way I can change the link color of this template?

  98. a, a:visited {
    color: #6a1000;
    text-decoration: none;

    edit it

  99. Hi, it's me again.

    I'm all for keeping the credits in the footer, but I don't want it appearing as the blog's description when people search for it on Google.

    "Stuck Indoors - 1:33am
    9 Oct 2009 ... Stuck Indoors Blak Magik is Designed by productive dreams for smashing magazine Bloggerized by Ipiet © 2009 ..."

    That's what appears on Google when I type in the name of my blog. How is this changed?

  100. you can try to change your meta tag and description
    it's relative, depend on google bot search
    please search about how to set blog description and meta tag

  101. I have a question.. when i add a gadget above the posts on the main coulum... it has a bad brown background.. i want it to look like the posts.. is this possible?

  102. i didnt set this template to add widget above post

  103. Hi there, love the template, but having a problem with the Comment links. They show up on the first page of my blog but when you click on older posts link at the bottom and go to the next page the comment links at the top are gone so is the ink blot. You then have to actually click on the title of the post to open that post on it's own page then it will allow you to access comments at the bottom of the entry!

    So how can a get the little "ink blot" image and the comment link to carry over to every other page after the first?


  104. hi
    1.open edit html
    2.tick mark on expand widget template
    3. find this

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <span class='comment-link' style='Float:right;'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'> <data:post.numComments/> <a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''>comment</a><b:else/><data:post.numComments/><a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''><data:top.commentLabelPlural/></a>

    4. delete

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

    and closed tag </b:if>

    5. Save

  105. I have another question. When I create a poll in blogger the options are not visible because the font is black and the sidebar background is black. Anyway I can change the poll font to white? Or even change the poll background to white?

  106. Nice template.. I've uploaded it but the brown colour of the background doesn't come up.. I'm on IE 8 by the way..

    Screen shot below shows my background colour missing.


  107. @theanswer: it can't. because it's api script, default by blogger
    @anonym:it only show on homepage, read my answer above you

  108. Hey cebong.. Thx for the quick reply.. I still cant seem to figure out the problem from all the answers mentioned above.. I've tried to visit TheAnswerMVP2001's blog and I see the same problem.. Could it be something to do with IE ?

  109. where's your URL? have you post something? do my instruction (comment by admin)

  110. 1.open edit html
    2.tick mark on expand widget template
    3. find this

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <span class='comment-link' style='Float:right;'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'> <data:post.numComments/> <a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''>comment</a><b:else/><data:post.numComments/><a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''><data:top.commentLabelPlural/></a>

    4. replace by

    <span class='comment-link' style='Float:right;'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'> <data:post.numComments/> <a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''>comment</a><b:else/><data:post.numComments/><a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style=''><data:top.commentLabelPlural/></a>

  111. There's got to be someway to at least change the poll background color, otherwise people who have black backgrounds can't use the poll feature!

  112. Nevermind I figured out how to change the background color of the poll. Just need to add background-color:white to the widget code and it changed it!

  113. Hi, I've a question. Pictures in entries always appear behind the right-layout, I mean a big image shows its part which equals to width of main layout, the remainder of this picture is hidden behind a right-layout. To to make images appear front?

    Thanks a lot!

  114. @nguyen: i dont get it, maybe you could resize it

  115. Sorry, maybe it's a bit hard to understand what I said.

    - I captured a picture that shows my issue: http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/7436/blogerror.png
    You can see that the picture is behind the right-layout and hidden its part.

    - And this is how I want my blog shows: http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6403/blogappears.png
    The picture should be in front of the right-layout, although this picture covers some texts in the right-layout, but it doesn't matter.

    What part of HTML code should I change? Please tell me if you know. Thanks a lot for the help.

  116. It's true, the background color isn't showing up in any version of IE, it looks nice in Firefox, but in IE the background is white.

  117. @nguyen: how do you upload your image? from blogger post default? you should resize your imamge if you use another imagehosting
    maybe you can add on
    .post-body {
    @eddie: I have insert image link, just use it, and upload to your own imagehosting, such as imageshack. This is free template, I can't provide imagehosting

  118. @admin: brilliant! I couldn't find a piece of code you wrote above, but I found a similar one and simply deleted this one "overflow:hidden;" at:
    .post {
    margin: 0px;
    background:#efede8 url( no-repeat top center;
    text-align: justify;
    Now all pictures show in front of the right-layout, not be hidden anymore w/out being re-sized.

    Thanks a lot!

  119. Anyway I could push the body and the sidebar further to the right and duplicate the right sidebar on the left so I have sidebars on both sides with the body right in the middle?

  120. May I know why the "searching" function is not working at the blog? Is it need to input any code? Thanks!

  121. Hello, thank you for thí template. Can you tell me why there is "undefined" of each post and how to adjust the header "Loạn Thế Phồn Hoa" to the left corner of the blog or the same position like "Blakmagik" of your blog?

    Here is my blog: http://kynhi.blogspot.com/

    Thank you very much.

  122. O, well. I finally knew why now. Sorry for bothering you.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Hello I just downloaded and installed this theme on my blogger account today. I love the design but have a few problems with the blog post. There are two areas for blog posts. The top blog post is fine design wise but the quick edit does not work on it. The second blog post the ink blot shows up at the bottom left of the page, does not display the author, and has no datestamp. You can see this at my blog or on the screen shot below.



    I've have several posts yet it shows a duplicate at the bottom that I can not remove. Also when I open the post it shows two on the post page rather than one. Can you let me know what I need to change to fix this?

    Thank you.

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  126. I want to put advertise banner at the top. however when I preview it, the template don't look good. because the navigation bar and menu bar is not at the same line

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