Feb 24, 2009

Shoot Your Web View

After I've finished my template design, of course I have to preview on different browser. What's my template looks like? On my notebook only installed three browser, Mozilla Firefox 3, Opera, and IE (Internet Explorer? I almost forget that I've this browser ^_^) . So what the solution is? Fortunately I found Browsershots.

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl.

When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.

New featured menu is Showcase contains about 30,000+ design in gallery. So many unique and beautiful web design that can be inspiring design. No need to Googling and click one by one search result, just browsing on this gallery and you'll find your niche design


  1. Mantap ...template nya imut banget
    pasti para ABG sangat meyukai tempalate ini
    Hebat ..template anda benar-benar berani tampil beda

  2. Bong, bagaimana kabar...? sek melek... heheheh :)

    setelah released gamezine kemarin, ada job... lumayan, bisa bikin beli domain :)...

  3. @suryaden:opone kang?
    @cahay biru:selamaad..wkewkekwk hihiihh...paypal ku tak masukin celengan
    @bang baka:Wew

  4. I used one of your templates and it's very cool. My site is in spanish about children literature, if you want to check it out http://www.palabrasdarena.blogspot.com
    I tried so hard to find the perfect one for my site until i found this.



  5. i cant spike english mam

  6. @ivonne:hi ivonne thanks for visiting :) i'll achieve to make more niche template based on blog theme...

    @kang wung:spike is kodok di sate

  7. heheheh...., narsis kronis yoo....heheheheh...

    sebenere aku kepingin kampanye, kampanye kocomotoku... :-p...

  8. cara downloadnya gimana

  9. Sepertinya empat pengunjugn diatas ku ini komentarnya tidak nyambung deh. Dia kira artikel yang ini nih berisi download templates. Ckckckck...baca artikelnya dulu gan baru komentar.

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