Dec 28, 2010

How to Fix Double Post Problem on My Blog?

I have received so many question about double post issue/problem. Why I get double post on my blog homepage? Why I get double post after changing template? How to fix this double post problem?

Note to all, this problem not because of template. Do you remember, when you change the template, there's an option feature from Blogger, Do you want to delete these widget? If you choose keep widget, all your blog widget keep there. This feature is usefull for keeping widget so you don't need to add it one by one.

But the problem is, when your new template has Blog1 widget, and your current blog has Blog2 widget, it will make a double post. Note that Blog1 or Blog2 is post widget, so it will appear double.

So how to fix this double post problem?

Open Edit HTML, then find this code

<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>


<b:widget id='Blog2' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

Just delete one of them.

Dec 25, 2010

New Blogger/Blogspot Mobile Template Feature

Last Friday, Blogger has announced a new Blogger feature, Mobile View Feature. Many of us use mobile phone to access blog. It difficult to view desktop version on mobile phone screen size. Some of us ask about how to set mobile view for our blog? Now, we can set mobile view on our blog because Blogger has created mobile template feature.

Initially available as opt-in functionality on Blogger in Draft, mobile templates will re-format your blogs for smartphones to enhance your readers’ viewing experience. In order to activate mobile templates, simply go to Dashboard > Settings > Email & Mobile tab, enable the mobile template option and then save settings. For now, this is beta feature so you can access it through

Feature highlights
  • Preview: Get a glimpse of what your blog will look like by clicking on the Mobile Preview button. You can also see it on your smartphone by scanning the QR-code to the right of the options.
  • Automatic redirection: All opted-in blogs will automatically be redirected to the mobile view when accessed from a smartphone*.
  • Template support: We are initially supporting 6 variants of the Simple template and 6 variants of the Awesome template. If you have used one of these 12 templates through our Template Designer, your mobile view will be rendered in the same style as your desktop view (other template variants will be rendered as Simple). Some gadgets are also supported**.

  • Mobile ads: Mobile AdSense ads will be displayed at the top of the post pages and at the bottom of the index page if the blog has an AdSense gadget or inline blog ads.
I have tried it but, the mobile view doesn't redirected yet. You can try it and pick the mobile address or

Dec 15, 2010

How to Search and Insert YouTube Video On Blog Post

Blogger supports drop-dead easy video-blogging -- if you have a video file, you can just upload it to Blogger. But when it comes to video-blogging, we know a lot of you also choose to embed YouTube videos to your post.

Currently, adding a YouTube video to your post is fairly easy, but it still requires several steps of work: If you don't have the embed code already, you'd have to open a new browser window or tab, go to, search the video, and play the video to make sure it's the right video. Once you copy the embed code, you come back to your Blogger post and manually insert the code in your post.

Blogger just added a new Blogger in Draft feature that makes this process a lot easier. You don't have to open another tab or window; from your post editor, just click the Insert a Video button in the toolbar. In addition to the already existing Upload tab, you'll now see two new tabs: From YouTube and My YouTube videos.

In the From YouTube tab, you can search, browse, and play back YouTube videos all within the interface. If you have your own videos on YouTube, My YouTube videos tab will show them as well.

Once you choose the video, click on Select to insert the video to the post. You’ll then see a thumbnail image for the video, which you can move around in the post by drag-and-drop.

By the way, in case you didn’t know, it’s as easy to add a video to your blog from YouTube as it is to add a YouTube video in Blogger. While you are watching a YouTube video, click “Share” button, and you will see Blogger as one of the places you can share the video to. Click on Blogger, and you’ll see the familiar BlogThis! mini post editor -- all you have to do is to select a blog (if you have more than one blog, that is), fill out some content, and then Publish the post. Enjoy video-blogging!

Source : bloggerindraft

Oct 14, 2010

Happy Day

Another girly template on this Enakei Korean Sketch Graphics. Really love this girl graphic. Still dominated with baby blue and pink color, for cheerful girl. Use on your blog and lets happy blogging.

Template Feature :
- 2 columns layout
- Pages
- Cute header graphic
- Readmore

Oct 13, 2010

My Memories

Hi girls, still update your blog with your daily story? This sweet and girly template is suitable for you. My Memories Blogger template, designed with lovely sketch graphic from Enakei.

Download it for free, and keep intact footer links. Happy blogging.

Oct 6, 2010

Travel Journal Blog

Do you love travelling? Creating travel blog to share your journey story? You can use this blogger template. Designed clean and ads ready so you can write story and earn money

Oct 3, 2010

Wedding Dress

Have a wedding blog? Talk about wedding, bridal, wedding ceremony, wedding tips, and many more? Maybe this template is suitable for you.Simple color, with beautiful woman on wedding dress, 3 columns layout.

Dont forget to back up your template before change it.

Aug 14, 2010

Comment Spam Filtering, New Comments System on Blogger

Blogging is joyful activity that we can communicate with other people from all around the world. Unfortunately, many of webmaster use this comment system to do spamming activity. Spamming our blog comment with unrelated comment, even put their promotion links.

To address this, Blogger Team have integrated Google’s spam filtering technologies into the Blogger comment system. Some of Blogger user will notice the new “Comments” tab. (Note: Blogger Team are gradually rolling this out to all users, so some of you may not see the new Comments tab yet.) In the Comments tab, there is a Spam sub-tab that shows all the comments that are likely spam.

The comments in the Spam inbox are not visible to readers. So, you can permanently delete spam comments by selecting them and choosing Delete. You can also mark comments as Not Spam that have been incorrectly classified as spam (what we call the “false-positives”). Choose Not Spam and the selected comments will be moved out of the spam list and will be immediately published on your blog.

Yes this is like an Akismet on Wordpress. Now Blogger user can filter which real comment or spam comment.

Jul 13, 2010

Kiddie Blog

My new design (after long time haha) , and still about kids, children, cute, baby, etc :D , I love cute thing so much. Kiddie blog blogger template, another cute template. I use a cute lil girl and birdy graphic, and also baby clothes. Use this for your baby, kids, child or even baby clothes shop.

Dominated with green, pink, brown color, but you also can customize this design as your preference.

Remember to back up your template before change it. And for you a new mom, read this Must Have Item for New Born Baby.

Jul 5, 2010

New Share Buttons on Blogger

Actually, this featured has been launched at June 2010. Sharing is an important feature for bloggers. When your readers find an interesting post, they probably want to share it with other people; this in turn brings more traffic back to your blog.

Blogger now offers new share buttons. The new buttons can be placed under each post and let your blog readers easily share your post via email, Blogger, and popular social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

You can start show the new share buttons under your posts by editing the Blog Posts widget and enabling Show Share Buttons in Design | Page Elements

If it didn't show, it seems you're using tweaked or customized template, so you need some tweaks.

Stats Menu on Blogger in Draft Dashboard

Most of blogger use statistic tools on their blog just to know all blog statistic. Maybe you have used histats, google analytics, and many more. But now, Blogger have introduced Stats menu on your blog dashboard.
There's also a lot more data that's being tracked, such as popular search keywords that send visitors to your blog, which country your visitors come from, and which web browsers they are using. Basically, with the new Stats feature, you know what's going on with your blog right now.

The new Stats feature shows all of this data in a simple, easy-to-understand graphical user interface. Since Stats are part of Blogger, you don't have to sign up for another service, or embed any code in a gadget. 
Just login to your blog through , and you can see Stats menu under your blog name.

Check out this Stats menu, and what do you think about it?

Jun 24, 2010

Bunda's Corner Family and Food Template

It was a long time, I did not create any template for blogger. Yesterday I have finished a custom blogger template with the happy family and bento food theme. I designed three column layouts with bright color and of course the illustrations are funny family. This is the preview

Visit Blog

Yes, I also love a bright and pastel color. Detailed with a cute animals, cat, bird, mouse, and yummy bento japanese food.

Check my another design here

Jun 12, 2010

Blogger Template Designer Now Available on

Actually Blogger has launched its beta testing of Blogger Template designer at March 2010. So we can access it only from

Finally, at this June 2010 Blogger Template Designer has officially launched for everyone. Open your dashboard and you can find Design menu.

What we can do with this new blogger template designer?

  • Beautiful new templates. Blogger have designed 19 brand-new templates, with more on the way. You can quickly give your blog a great new style by selecting one of the new templates.[1]
  • Separating design from layout. Designs are completely defined in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), meaning that any design can be applied to any blog layout, making templates more flexible and unique.
  • Hundreds of free, professional background images. We've paired up with iStockphoto to offer you hundreds of gorgeous background images at no cost.
  • A single control to change all your design's colors. With other platforms, users have to define every color in their blog separately, making changing the color theme of your blog a tedious task. The Blogger Template Designer lets you change all the colors in your blog at once, by changing the Main color theme.
  • Pixel-perfect layout manipulation via smooth resizing. You can define your layout down to the pixel via sliders that update the blog's preview in real time.
  • A real-time preview sits below the design control panel. Watch your blog update as you create your template design.
  • Keeping it simple. Throughout the Template Designer we use hierarchy to hide complexity from you.
  • Complete control. Under the advanced tab, you can override a design's CSS and enter your own CSS in the editor and see your blog's preview updated in real time.
  • Cross-browser support. Blogger handles cross browser support for you, so you don’t have to. Want a design with rounded corners? We give it to you in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome.

Source : Blogger Buzz

[1] Note: Selecting a new template will erase all of your customizations on the existing template, so if you have customized your template be sure to first save the current template at Design > Edit HTML click on Download Full template

Where I Can Find Suitable Website Templates

Website templates are considered as pre designed websites. It is a very easy guide to start your own website. You will have to add the personal content only and you can easily start having your own website. Various types of website templates are available on the Internet and you can choose the one suitable for your website subject.

There are website templates for gaming website or professional photography, hair salon or say fashion related website. You can also create flash in your website with the help of website templates. Another advantage of adding the free website templates is that they have all been coded in CSS. There is no need to place the link of the website from where you have taken the templates.

These absolutely customizable website are always ready for use as they can be easily downloaded at any time. If you want to set up an online store, then you can also get many websites offering ecommerce templates. These ecommerce templates are compatible with almost all the hosting companies and they can be used for all sorts of business. Some of the websites sell these website templates for free, while some take a small charge for it.

May 25, 2010

How to Use Google Font API on Blog CSS?

What is Google Font API? The Google Font API helps you add web fonts to any web page. It means you dont need to install font family on your desktop computer to see custom font on any web.
Benefits of the Google Font API include:
  • A choice of high quality open source fonts.
  • Works in most browsers.
  • Extremely easy to use.
For example, the following text uses a web font called Tangerine:

We can apply this font on web without install it on our PC, even our visitor can see it because we use font and script from Google Directory.

Yes, Google have created Google Font Directory. There we can browse this catalog of available fonts, learn about the font designers who created them, and copy the code required to use them on our web page. The fonts in the directory are all released under open source licenses; you can use them on any non-commercial or commercial project.

Now, we can use this unique font on our website or blog. How to use Google Font API ? For reference, you can read this Quick Start example or follow this example.

Step 1
Open Layout>Edit HTML. Add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s). Copy these code and paste after <head> code

Note : Change Font name as your desire or you can pick this code from Google Font Directory. For exampale if you want to use Yanone Kaffeesatz font, go to Google font directory, click on font type, then click on Get Code.

Step 2
Insert CSS code
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', arial, serif;

You can insert it wherever you want. For example you want use that font for Post title, so insert it after
.post h3 {

or you want to use it as global font so insert it after


I try to use custom font for my post title as you can see it. I think this is a great idea especially for everyone who concern on blog design and appearance. Thanks Google.

May 17, 2010

Improved Post Preview Blogger in Draft

Usually we preview our posts before hit publish. We want to see how it looks, it was good or still needs to be fixed? Blogger in Draft now supports a new improved preview That feature allows you to see how your post will from actually look to your readers.

This is a preview of the new beta testing, so you Should to log in to write or try a new post preview. On the New Post page, click on the Preview button, and you will of see a new window open with the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) preview of the post. This is how your blog post to your readers will from Appear Pls you publish, with The Same format and style of your current theme Blogger. And to host the blog you can check out some plan under blog

Note That the preview page does not automatically updated as the contents of the post changes. To make sure the post looks OK after you've done further editing, you can manually refresh the preview page, or click the Preview button again.

(Source: Blogger in Draft)

May 15, 2010

Twitter Background Gallery

No day without tweeting? Do you addicted to Twitter? Need a personal looks of your Twitter profile? Usually we really frustate because we have no skill to design . Don't worry, there are so many free Twitter background can inspire us.

Twitter Background Gallery, showcasing more than a thousand of Twitter background. Twitter Backgrounds Gallery is the largest showcase of unique Twitter backgrounds submitted and recommended by Twitter users worldwide. Get inspired, vote for your favorites, find a designer or DIY resources and most importantly - have fun! Proud of your own twitter background? Submit it to the gallery.

10 Things I Knew When I Started Blogging

You want to become a professional blogger, make loads of money and have the good life. All these guys do is write for a living, right? They spend a couple hours a week to put up a few blog posts and their readers are just itching for more. These bloggers are following the ten blogging commandments.

1. Have passion about your topic

You want to write something that you would read. If you're constantly reading about sports, why not make a sports blog? The right topic is one that you are passionate about. Readers always have room for one more blog if it's well written and from the heart.

2. Be consistent with your topic

You are drawing on a canvas when you write new posts. If you are painting with subdued blues and greens, it is jarring to suddenly switch over to fluorescent fuchsia. Likewise is you suddenly talk about religion on your weight loss journal.

3. Respond to comments

Comments provide that extra personalization to the blog. They can sometimes expound upon the topic. They can provide the forum for some great discussions and further blog posts. Give them a response and be thankful that people are reading.

4. Search for blogs you like

Chances are, there are blogs that you have been keeping up with for ages. What keeps you going back? Is it the writer's style and ego? Is it the way that the blogger loves peaches just like you? Place your own spin on the things you like about these sites.

5. Have an ironclad ego

You can't take comments personally. You wanted your blog to inspire passion, and it has. Remember that the angry commenters may be having a bad day and want to take it out anonymously on those around them.

6. Be a stickler for your posting schedule

Following a posting schedule is paramount to retaining readers. It's better if you write it in your profile 'Every Tuesday and Friday, … brings us into the world of great cheese,' but it should be followed. Essentially, you do not want to give your readers any reasons to stray.

7. Invest in a good design

You have about thirty seconds to make a great impression on a reader who is cruising for new blogs. Anything that makes a blog harder to read, from loud wallpapers to busy animations, drives visitors away instead of attracting them.

8. Be the one in charge

When it comes down to it, you're the one who's writing. You are the one in charge, not the commenters. They may be the ones who offer advice, but you're steering the ship.

9. Market your blog

You would read your blog because it offers the best advice in your favorite topic. Why not let other people know about it through advertising?

10. Invest a lot of time in your blog

Everything you do to improve your blog takes time. You need to do research into the new trends. You need to look into the new marketing techniques. You need to brush up on comma usage. A great blog takes time and does not come out of thin air.

I wish that I had these commandments when I first started blogging. I wish that I'd known how much time it takes to do research and keep up with marketing. I wish that I had known I'd be in charge of the marketing, because I thought that there was a magic visitor button to make traffic run to my site. Following these tips will help you incrementally improve traffic to your blog, and that is how real success is born.

Guest Author:
James Adams works with the team at CartridgeSave where he reviews products such as the HP 336 ink cartridge and helps out on their blog.

May 10, 2010

Convert Bitmap to Vector Service

What is vector graphic? Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics (Source : Wikipedia)

Humm..such a theoritical definition isn't it. It's easier to see image below.

Example showing effect of vector graphics versus raster graphics. The original vector-based illustration is at the left. The upper-right image illustrates magnification of 90x as a vector image. The lower-right image illustrates the same magnification as a bitmap image. Raster images are based on pixels and thus scale with loss of clarity, while vector-based images can be scaled indefinitely without degrading quality.

Do you have a bitmap image? You want to resize, rescale it? Of course, bitmap/raster graphic quality will degrade. So you need to vectorize it. Check this example below.

Image above is taken from photograph. Custom vector service can change into another character. Look at the right image. It's look different with the left photograph. It's looks nice.

Or do you want to vectorize your own photograph?

Check this detailed Lady Gaga vector graphics.

Have no skill to do that? You can ask , provide bitmap to vector service. Just contact him at his blog here

Apr 28, 2010

Mother's Day Gift Design Idea

Mothers day is coming soon. Would you like to give something special for your mother? Is there any mothers day gift ideas? Maybe I can give you a little Mother's Day gift idea. If you love to design your own, you can design lovely text special for your mom, or funny baby animal, flower, etc. But if you just want an instant gift with beautiful design, these can be your choice.

Love Cake*Mother's Day Totebag

An affordable, environment friendly tote! Great for carrying books or groceries. Slim design allows for easy storage. 100% cotton, reinforced stitching on handles. Dimensions: 20"w x14.5"h x4.5"d.

We Love Mom Mother's Day Mug

The classic white mug is perfect for any photos or designs. A blank canvas for your creativity. A large handle makes it easy to hold. 11 oz. or 15 oz. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Imported.

World's Best Mom Mug

A truly unique mug. When it’s cold, it’s just a simple black mug. When you add any hot beverage (water, tea, coffee, etc.), your image comes to life in vibrant colors. 11 oz. Handwash only. Imported.

21 Interesting Websites Powered by Blogger

With Blogger making the ability to get noticed on the web available to just about anyone who wants to take a spare couple of minutes to investigate the site and follow their quick and simple steps to get started, there is no lack for interesting sites powered by Blogger. From personal finance to personal journeys and interior design to web trends, there is plenty of variety, but quality may vary widely by content and design. Here are a few interesting websites powered by Blogger you might want to browse through though.

1. Abby’s Blog

It can be intensely interesting to follow the travels of another. With over 5700 followers, Abby seems to have drawn the attention of many, and for good reason. She is attempting to be the youngest person to sail around the globe solo.

2. The Green Riders

Join siblings Catherine and Oliver as they travel cross-country on their electric bikes in an effort to explore the “sustainability heroes” nationwide. Sounds like it could turn out to be one interesting journey!

3. Trend Web

If you are searching Blogger for a site related to web trends, this could be a great place to begin.

4. Trendever

In keeping with the ‘trends’ theme, Trendever takes a look at trends related to the car industry.

5. Into the Abyss

If you’re looking for posts about “horror, movies, indy filmmaking, digital technology and general weird stuff” then Todd Miro’s site could be perfect for you.

6. You Have Been Here Some Time

If you are into design, this could be a great site to check out. From hotel, restaurant, and interior design, to art, books, photography, ceramics, and more, there is plenty to sink your design teeth into here.

7. The House in Marrakesh

Ever wondered what life in Morocco might be like? If not, there are thousands of people who have. Take a peek at some beautiful pictures that may give you a better insight into life within this mysterious country.

8. Quest for Animation Glory

If you’re a frustrated artist or just someone who’s looking for a little inspiration, you might want to check out Vince Gorman’s blog site.

9. Madame Lamb

This is one of those blogs you might just have to visit to get a good feel for. Cool articles, cool interviews, cool art, cool film, cool fashion…guess you probably get the picture.

10. The Penny-Wise Provider

This up-and-comer site may not be the most popular yet, but it offers up some interesting tips, techniques, views, and opinions for those of you searching for more “Efficient, Effective, and Economical Living”.

11. Magic Carpet Burn

Great stuff for all things monsters -- mainly retro-style monsters (think Godzilla, The Munsters, and similarly funky features from that era). There is a ton of links here to similar and related sites as well.

12. Serendipitous

A more relaxed site, Serendipitous is founder Chris’s efforts to snap photos of things that have an impact upon her and share her thoughts regarding these items with the world.

13. Stephen’s Digital Photo Gallery

If you’re into digital painting, this blog site might be one to take a look at. This is Stephen Sitton’s blog, showcasing his work done with Adobe Photoshop CS4.

14. TechLayers: Tyler Romeo’s Weblog

If you’re looking for a site relating to opinions on technology and social media then “TechLayers: Tyler Romeo’s Weblog” might be a good site at which to start.

15. Losfornia

If you want to keep up with what’s happening in LA, you might want to take a peek at From Hollywood to history, architecture to music, you may find something that hits your fancy here.

16. Archiquality

This is a great site for the modern architecture enthusiast. Plenty of dazzling photographs and just a plain neat blog.

17. Hyperboleandahalf

See what amazing creations can come from a creative mind using Paintbrush.

18. Gourmet Food Lovers

Gourmet food might be “Greek” to you, so get your online translator ready for this site!

19. Nation health

For those interested in their health, Nation Health could be the Blogger powered site for which you’ve been searching for.

20. Mud Flap Bubbas

This site is hosted by a city girl who has moved to the country and describes herself as, “Bitter. Jaded. Cynical.” Need you read more? Then visit the site.

21. The Best Guide

If you’re looking for a good site for travel information on Blogger, you might want to take a stop in at “The Best Guide”.

Author : James Adams is a blogger and designer working with an online supplier of toner next day. He also contributes about art, advertising and design to their blog.

Apr 15, 2010

Cute and Fancy Design Online Store

Long time no see. It's about a month I didn't create any new template. I was prepared for my online store, such a cute and fancy design. You can get various personal product as a gift. I choose as my online store.

This April, we celebrate Earth day. I also offer fancy shirt, mug, card, appron with Earth Day theme.

And next May, Mother's Day will come. Wanna give a special gift for your lovely Mom in this special Mother's Day? You can consider these cute stuff as a gift.

If you interested in, it would be nice to go to my online store, pick a design and product. Happy shopping.

Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008