Feb 19, 2009


Gamezine, another great design from Jinsona for game lover, and converted to blogger by my friend, Cahaya Biru, great job Man ;) . Gamezine Blogger Template suitable for gaming site. So many element and image you have to upload, but don't worry he'll guide you step by step to install. To avoid bandwidth exceed, suggested to upload image on your own imagehosting. Here's the screenshoot. Click to go to original site.


  1. bong...dach tes apa belom nich ..di BP
    keren banget nich template...mau coba ach

    Thanks ya

  2. sangar temenan ki templite...

  3. @baka kelana:udah nyobain kok, gampang installnya, klik aya screenshootnya, nge link kok
    @kang sur:hoOh

  4. ngetest profile ku di blogger dalam kotaknya cebong....
    wekekeke.... :)

  5. @cahaya biru:wekekkeke ojo nguthek templet thok...xixixiixix....ra tau mampir ning empang sebelah ku yho....a lot of fun

  6. Hiyeeeeeee.!!
    OMGAWDDD Ive been tryin na find a blog designer..
    Uhhh do u erm do u do requested blog skin..?
    CAN U PLEASE SERIOUSLY REPLY MUA coz am willing to pay***!!
    PUHHHLEASEEE reply me..
    my msn is sexy_wasabii92@live.com

  7. this nice theme. thank you

  8. iiiiiiiiiiiishhh gregetaaaaaannnn...!!!

  9. download:

  10. @majik: i've inserted the link (always) have you click the screenshoot? that's the link
    @job:ure welcome

  11. OMGtri,,,kereeeeeeen, tapi kok tak coba trus tak edit kok eroooooor,..... jsnya ditaroh dimana? pa kudu aplod atu atu ke widgetnya?....... xexexexex, keren buuuuuuuu........

  12. @CNN: yupp...musti upload satu satu...lebih gampang ketimbang edit lewat HTML langsung ... udah tak coba kok...smw bekerja dg baik hehehe

  13. Gagah, tapi download dimana ya ?

  14. @eki:ikuti aja link nya

  15. Ooooooo gamezinenya lebih keren yang versi aslinya...wordpress ya...

  16. ATTENTION! this template doesn't really work. Pay attention at all online demos and you'll see that not even the designer didn't succeed to make it work in a demo. I tried myself to install it, but i had a terrible disappointment.

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  19. Fantastic blogger and interesting blogger shared on the site so that can be enjoy it.Mostly people are very like it. This is nice blogger.


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