Jul 12, 2009

Free Blogger Template Gallery

Nowadays, blogger template become more variative, fully featured, and well designed. You can choose adjust to your blog theme. The good news is most of blogger template is provided free. Here the list of best blogger template gallery. This gallery is showcasing template so you dont need to search one by one, just pick from the category


Deluxe Templates





  1. wah themesnya keren keren.. mau cari2 buat jidatbaok.blogspot.com ahhhh

  2. wah, gagal pertamaxx.. :p

    mantep bong!!

  3. kalo sayah seringnya mampir ke BTem tuh mba :D

  4. awesomeee thanks for share hun kekekeke :D

  5. weh kapan blogku bisa di kayak ginikan sama mrs cebong yaaah

  6. Thanks Cebong for featuring BloggerStyles.com! I often visit Btemplates and DeluxeTemplates for discovery and inspiration, would visit Btheme and BieTemplates as well! :D

  7. Makasih infonya ya..mbak..sipp bangets

  8. @itik:sami sami
    @alvaris: :D thanks for visiting here. Yup... keep on your good work
    @gondes:hayah :P
    @katakataku:maen juga di tempat laen hehe
    @akunamasao:besok deh

  9. lama tak bersua neng cebong. udah jadi katak pa belum nich?
    wes stress mbak aku gonta ganti template terus.

  10. sekarang ini banyak banget ya,, para template maker,, jadi bingung..

    salah satu yang bisa di tonjolin ya karakteristik pembuat yang khas.. hehehe..
    wa baru belajar neh mbak bong.. :D kasi2 tips la..

  11. hidup blogger!! :D aku makin cinta mati ama blogger(blogspot)... hhhiiiihii...

  12. wah mbok aku diajari... huhuhu...

  13. Hi Ipietoon !

    i have a question for you
    how can I take the image of the website to publish an article, and at the same time the image of the template go to the site in question;
    something similar that you did in this article,

    the question because i have 4 blogs and i want to make an article included the image from the others 3 blogs with the link of the blog on the image of the template.

    Thank you so much for your help....!!

    PS. Congratulations you now have your own domain!!!!


  14. @karla: you can use two ways
    1. go to browsershots.org , and shoot your web, simply just entry URL and you'll get screenshoot
    2. Use printscreen button on your keyboard. Go to the site you want take a picture, and then push "Prt Scr" button on keyboard. You can paste it to "paint" or "Micrsofot Office Picture Manager". Crop it, and you get its screenshoot

  15. Bonk, situs template gratis saya mbo'diliput donk

  16. @anthony:wehehehe baru tau sayah... xixixixx kalo sampean jg punya

  17. Wah kapan I bisa buat template.. kapan I pengsiun gunain template bukan buatan sendiri. Akhirkata terimakasih buat mas iepet karena templatenya, jarang-jarang ada yang mau share template bagus tanpa bayar...

    Maju terus mas!

  18. mbak kalo mo buat readmore tapi ada gambarnya dan panjang karakternya udah di tentuin g mana? cranya

  19. baca ini

  20. Makasih mbak,,, udah bantuin

  21. hi

  22. akhirnya kumenemuk annya... nyari themplete yg ginian akhirnya ketemu juga...

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  26. I love all these features because blogger is now more variative, fully featured, and well designed. You can choose adjust to your blog theme, so it is excellent for all of us, bloggers and readers


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008