Installation Setting
Upload XML
- Click on download link
- Save xml file on your desktop (save it no need to open)
- Go to blogger dashboard, Layout>Edit HTML
- Upload xml file through upload button
- Save
Open Edit HTML, find and edit these code below
<ul id='topnav'>
<li><a href=''>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='' target='_blank'>Template Gallery</a></li>
<li><a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'>Edit</a></li>
<li><a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'>Edit</a></li>
<li><a href='' target='_blank'>Login</a></li>
Cute Cartoon Image
To change cartoon image, open Edit HTML, replace this code to your own URL image
<div id='pic'>
<img src='' style='float: center;'/>
Banner Advertisement
Access through Edit HTML, edit these code below
<div id='adspot'>
<!-- Ad1 start -->
<a class='ad1' href='#'><img src=''/></a>
<!-- Ad2 start -->
<a class='ad2' href='#'><img src=''/></a>
<!-- Ad3 start -->
<a class='ad3' href='#'><img src=''/></a>
<!-- Ad4 start -->
<a class='ad4' href='#'><img src=''/></a>
<div class='clearer'></div>
Replace # to your targetted URL, replace red text to your URL banner image
Any comment, suggestion, bug report, just drop your comment here. Thanks ^_^v
Thanks hun for nice template :D
ReplyDeletei like it sueeerrr
wait tak cek dulu yahhh
ReplyDeletehmmm keren nihh 65% :)
ReplyDeletejust missing target and head content
i like this templet
Izin dunlut yahh
ReplyDeleteBismillah, komeng
ReplyDeleteMbak...aku bilang TOP BGT deh
ReplyDeletemb... aq suka sm templete ini. aq pke ya...
ReplyDeletebuat blog baruku
sudah saya donlot mb,
ReplyDeleteini mau saya pke.
terima kasih ya..
wah... templetenya cantik warna biru, aq suka nih :D
ReplyDeletewah-wah..... makin mantab aja nih suhu
ReplyDeleteWaow...keren mbak, biru sama pink emang cocok dipadu padankan :)
ReplyDeletewahh..cakepp, numpang donlot yahh ^^
ReplyDeleteKapan nih punyaku nyusul mbak..?? Kyakakka...
@zip:sedang dalam tahap nggambar zip..totally blank nih
ReplyDeletepokoknya template bikinan kang cebong..KUEEREN ABIS..,
ReplyDeletenumpang neydot kang yaa...trims sebelumnya..
kang cebong, kira2 nih template support ke IE,opera,crhome, opera.. nggak yah..?
ReplyDeleteParabens pelo excelente BLOG, serei visitante assiduo.
its a good template :)
Wah keren tuh
ReplyDeletemau dunk cobain juga :D
@all:thanks for comment
ReplyDelete@a good design:yup..sudah di coba..:D tapi emg masi ada beberapa bug
Mas maaf bangrt nih nyeleneh & gak nyambung... Kalo boleh tau dan boleh nyaranin buat postingan nanti, beritahu donk caranya bikin social bookmark kayak diatas ... tu yang ada di bawah postingan .. Hee..he,,..
ReplyDelete@7gadget: ooo yg ada efek kaya animasinya itu yah? iya nanti saya posting ya..
ReplyDeleteaku rodok keganggu continue readinge bong... kudune pojok atas kanan mbok gawe round... alias gak nyudut kabeh...
ReplyDelete@ndop:hyahyaay males ah xixixiixx ... we jarang ol
ReplyDeletembak aku pake yah buat blog aku yang satunya ^^ oiya mbak kalo yang template ini udah ada automatic thumbnail nya? jadi tinggal upload aja gambarnya?
ReplyDeletethanks :)
@eta:iyah Ta, posting kaya biasa aja, otomatis kok, upload gambar ky biasa juga
ReplyDeletehaha iya mbak terus upload nya ke mana maksudnya??
ReplyDelete@eta:ya upload biasa, di posting kan ada menu upload image
ReplyDeleteReally like this layout! But is it possible to remove the 'continue reading' button so that the whole entry can be seen? Hope you'll reply!
ReplyDeleteopen edit HTML, tick mark on expand widget template
ReplyDeletefind this
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'><a expr:href='data:post.url'> read more “<data:post.title/>”</a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><data:post.body/></b:if>
delete, and then replace by
I love this template!
ReplyDeleteHowever, when I set my navigation menu instead of opening the link in the same page it opens a whole new page or web browser.
Is there a way to change this?
Thank you in advance!
remove/delete target="_blank"
ReplyDeletethat's code if you want to open link in new window. if you dont wanna it, just delete it
Great Templates Collection
ReplyDeleteFunny Sms Jokes >>>
Hot Wallpapers >>>
Live TV Channels >>>
mba cebong, aku termasuk salah satu fans template mu. tapi gini, bolak balik aku tempel template mu di blog ku kok side bar nya malah nggeser ke bawah yo? piye iku?
ReplyDeleteaku di sini
u know.. i like your templete. WP Sora is good templete for me, because i'm very like blue color
ReplyDeleteLove the template!!!
ReplyDeleteI have one question regarding the post summary. Is it possible to control where it cuts the blog post?
Thank you for this amazing template!
Beautiful layout! ^_^
ReplyDeleteBut how can I remove the code that generates the categories and archives of the blog? I'm afraid to try to remove the code and end up missing ..
Hi i like this templete so much, but can i remove the advertisement column or delete it?
ReplyDeletePlease reply..
read the post, there's banner ads code. delete it all
ReplyDeleteasli..keren gila.....mantebzzz.... gratis lageee
ReplyDeletesmoga kebaikan hati nya dibales berkali lipet sama yang di atas....
ijin pake ini ya kaka :)
hi i'm having problem synchronizing this template with my jskit echo's commenting system. can anyone help? thx!
ReplyDeleteI love the template but, have a problem with commenting and date. I used to see the pink-blue bar near the headline of the post. But now, ıt doesnt seem.
ReplyDeleteThis template is so cute! I love it! How I change the background color?
ReplyDeletelove it, clean and simple is always the best;-) web templates are easy to download.
thanks y,,,, c u
ReplyDeleteso difficult to made la~
ReplyDeleteHi! Thank you for sharing this template using a blogspot format. I've been using this for my blog already.
ReplyDeleteJust one concern though. The DATE in my posts does not reflect and only the time. Is there a code or setting that I can include so that it shows the date when the entry was posted?
Hope you can help me out on this one.
@liza: you can change timestamp format, go to setting>formatting>time stamp format and choose date format
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ReplyDeletethanks I was looking for some interesting templates for my blog on how to Buy Viagra online, I will use one of these
ReplyDeleteGood posting, im subscribing to your rss. Many thanks once more
ReplyDeleteWP sora is the nice and more interesting blogger shared on the site so that can be enjoy it. Mostly people are very like it and entertainment in this post.
ReplyDeleteNice post.I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts. Thanks for this information .I really appreciate your work, keep it up.
ReplyDeleteIn this blogger so very nice and good template shared on the site so that can be enjoy it in this blogger. Those people are very like it and enjoy it in this blogger.