You can check preview and download this template
Installation Settings
Javascript Setting
Upload all javascript and image (I've attached on download folder) to your own hosting. This step to avoid bandwidth exceeded. Open Edit HTML, find javascript and image background code, edit and use your own link. Read this for your guide , How to Upload Javascript and image?
Javascript included
Automatic readmore script, JQuery Script, Glide Script
Navigation Menu Setting
Open Edit HTML, edit these code below
<div id='NavbarMenuleft'><ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Post RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Comments RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Login</a></li>
To add more link, add this code
<li><a href=''>YOUR-TEXT-MENU</a></li>
Glide Setting (Slide Show)
Open Page Element , click Edit on Glide Content Widget, and put this code below. You can put as many as you want, but it's suggested up to 6 image slide. If you want put two slide, just copy this code twice, want to put three slide copy it three times.
<div class="glidecontent">
<div class="glidim">
<a href="" title=""> <img width="150" alt="" src="" height="180"/> </a>
<div class="glidmeta">
<h2><a href="" title="Baby Blue">Baby Blue Template</a></h2>
Just like its name, this template is so cute. Suitable for your lovely baby blog. With pink and blue color, soft and smooth. Download it now.
<div class="gmore">
<a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a>
Replace red colored text with your own image URL
Replace blue colored text with your own post URL
Replace green colored text with your ownpost title
Replace yellow colored text with your ownpost (post summary)
I also offer paid footer link. Buying footer link is a cheaper and easier way than paid link to spread your link. What's the advantage? With reasonable price, you get unlimited link. Wanna buy footer link? Contact me at
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ReplyDeletembak kal0 theme di it0 aku minta p0'0!
please, kan mbk.b0ng cantik
*dari h0ngk0ng*
ya mbak! aku bener2 suka ama template it0. . . .
@haqie: mirip sama dbluez ku itu tinggal gnti warna aj
ReplyDeletenice template euy!
ReplyDeletebeautiful template for profesional use, great...
ReplyDeletegood good
ReplyDeleteEvery new template is greatest than the last. Congratulations, Ma! :)
ReplyDeleteWah nice template kk
ReplyDeletemakaaaasih bos
ReplyDeleteboleh ijin sedot bos?
@Claudia: :D thanks my grand daughter haha
@mochal:so good
@kang sury:opo wi
from the demo - this is a nice template
ReplyDeleteopone sing PR 4??
ReplyDeleteiku jenenge GLIDER, bukan SLIDER ...
Terus, nek GLIDER iku max 6 content ae.... bukan 12 conten
Lah kok sing ditulis malah SLIDER... :)
piss... ojok di emot chino...piss
very nice!
ReplyDeleteaku pake lagi nih mbak... di sini
mbak ebong, mo tanya nih.. kalo favicon diganti, apa dibolehin juga ama gugle?
ReplyDeletei like this oe but having problem to use it but anyway i am countering the problem patiently
tq cebong :)
ebong,,,, tiap akyu berkunjung ke sini selalu dpt yang baru, fresh n uniq dr yang lain.. tingkatkan kreatifitasmu bong... akyu dukung!
ReplyDeleteakyu request donk say... yang gambar ducky *secara gue bangeeth*,,, yah yah.. pliiis.. udah search kemana2 gak dapet2..
*mmmuaachh ebong..*
Hi! I just found this template of yours and I really like it very much.
ReplyDeleteI am not very computer savy so I have no idea how to open the rar file.
Is it possible or would you be kind enough to give me a file in .xml?
My email address is
Hope to hear from you.
Thank you.
ada tdak dalam versi bahasa indonesia......
ReplyDeletemenarik juga nih postingan yang kamu muat........
ReplyDeletemakasih yah atas infonya sobatku....
@perjalananmatahari: :) tergantung setting language mu, otomatis
ReplyDeleteya mbak! aku bener2 suka ama template it0. . . .apik banget..
ReplyDeletedaku juga lagi merenovasi blog gue, tinggal foto shoot neh buat banner, wakakakakakakakakkk...niat banget yah gue, habis ngiri ngelihat blog orang keren2
ReplyDeletelapor, aku gak berhasil nggawe template sing iki, delengen dewe nang
ReplyDeleteglidere gak iso di next... huehuehue...
wah.. template nya blh juga.. minimalis..
ReplyDeletebikin sndiri tuh??
btw salam knal yah..
wow it is amazing..:)
ReplyDeleteBong, tambahono overflow:hidden; nang LAYOUT .post
ReplyDeletejquery ne... ngeri... 1.2.6
sing biasa ae yo isok kok... :). coba en taa.. :)
@cahaya:ukeh... :D ning hosting ku enek 3 file jenenge jquery :D mbuh nyomot sing ndi wi wkwkkwkwk..blockquote e lali :d warnane sek pink *dudulz*
ReplyDeleteWOW totally LOVE this theme... I am using it on my blog and I can not stress enough how much I love it and how much I thank you for it! :)
ReplyDelete@stec:great :D... i've visited your blog, wow, you arrange it properly
ReplyDeletemamtep lah piet! you are no. 1
ReplyDeleteso sweet. xixixixi..
ReplyDeletetante kalo bikin grid kontenya gimana? htmlnya tuh diisi ma apa?
ReplyDeleteMakasih za mbak...q ez pake templatenya...suip banget...
ReplyDeletemulae yang dulu, q udah pake...karang q suka ini...
Coba tolong liat blog aq di koq blog aq gak biza pake readmore otomatis?? Please balas di komentar salah satu posting blog aq ya /
ReplyDelete@blog anak IT: mungkin script ripway nya lambat
@sandy:baca petunjuk setting nya di folder download..sudah saya sertakan
@bang ronz:hhehehhe apanyah? yg pny blog y?
Thank you very very much. it works for me.
ReplyDeletekami punya masalah di bagian glider content
ReplyDeleteyg prtama, di contohnya warna bckgaroundnya biru, di blog kami tidak.
yang kdua, katanya kalau mau 2 slide, kodenya tinggal dicopy, kami copy munculnya di bawahnya...
gimana tuh??
butuh jawaban cepat!!
@chiharu:coba ulang lagi :) masukkan lewat page element di atas main page
ReplyDeletesudah bisa..
thx a lot!
Thanks for the template. Now I was used it at my blog
ReplyDelete@DRSP: you're welcome
How I can resolve this error:
ReplyDeleteNo content Exists at page 1 ! please Loading 1s page instead?
ReplyDeletekok penuh problema :
1. glidernya jd bertumpuk.
2. tulisan welcome, kok nggak ada backgroundnya
3. trus sekalian nanya kalo mo gt warna baground gadgetnya..gmna ya?
salam kemanusiaan
ehh lupa coba liat di
ReplyDeletesekali lagi tks
@maxi: dont preview before you put glider content through page element. Read installation setting
ReplyDelete1.hehhehe coba diulang lagi tuh ngisi glider contentnya...kekekke ...
2. welcome yg mana? barusan saya preview ada kok bekgron di blog kmu
3.bakcground gadget? glider maksudnya? coba utak atik aja bagian css glider wrapper
I got problem for do the navigation bar menu.kenapa navigation bar menu (home, login..) berada di head? maksud saya tertindih.bagaimana saya mau letak kan dibawah head.?
ReplyDelete@feeq: which one? i've seen ur blog that uer using black nero template
ReplyDeletekamu bisa mengedit di bagian div id=topnav, letakkan di bawah div id=header
ReplyDeletesaya ijin pakae template ini di
terima kasih
setelah blog saya
pakai template ini kok muncul peringatan:
"No content exists at page 1! Loading 1st page instead."
Apa ya maksudnya? dan gimana cara ngatasi
@tebarkan epost: baca terlebih dahulu cara installnya, lakukan semua proses mengisi konten di slide nya, sebelum di preview.
ReplyDeleteGlide Setting (Slide Show)
Open Page Element , click Edit on Glide Content Widget, and put this code below. You can put as many as you want, but it's suggested up to 6 image slide. If you want put two slide, just copy this code twice, want to put three slide copy it three times.
Hi Cebong,
ReplyDeleteNice template, well done!!
I´ve installed on my blogger blog, but the background is white on open with FireFox browser. I`ve tried to open with IE and its OK (beautiful), but on FF, the background does not appear the same as on IE.
I`ve also tried it out on Chrome, and it shows the same white background ..
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance and congrats for your creation.
@toprated: it seems you mistype on background body code
ReplyDeletebackground: #000 url(<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"/></a>) repeat-x bottom;
you should type
background: #000 url( repeat-x bottom;
Mbak, hiks...hiks help me please dech...
ReplyDeleteglidernya masih aja numpuk...pdhal dah kulaksanakan resepnya mbak berkali-kali....hiks..hiks
FPBI; hehhe ya ilangin aja kl gtu, diriku soalnya belom pernah ngalamin, jd belum tau solusinya
ReplyDeletetapi itu glider cakep banget n yg kucari-cari...hikss...hiksss tega deh mbak nya...
ReplyDelete@FPBI: heuheu ya di coba lg di template bru, smw setting glider ya emg rada ribet, tpi yg laen bisa, km pasti bisa
ReplyDeletekeren... newbie blogger
ReplyDeletesayembara: bagi siapa saja yang bisa kasih solusi glider numpuk...dapet pahala nih...
ReplyDelete@FPBI:wkkwkwkwk bikin kontes aja..maap belum ada solusi, soale ndak ngalamin sendiri...binun
ReplyDeletembak aku numpang tanya donk
ReplyDeletegmn carany biar slide feature tuh terisi otomatis? mksudny biar isiny tuh postingan trakhir kita. jadi ga perlu repot ngerubah2 ato nambah2in. tolong djwb yah mbak, makasi :)
oia aku pake temany mbak ini d blog baruku loh.. hhehe. :D
ReplyDeletemakasi bgd temany mbak! ;)
Sayembara : buat siapa saja tanpa mengenal umur...
ReplyDeleteBarang siapa yg bisa kasih solusi glider numpuk dgn template mbak ebong...nih akan dapet pahala dari Tuhan YME....oh my god!
mbak kcebong.. instalasinya kudu pake hosting yah..
ReplyDeletega ada yg langsung xml gt?.. hik hik..
@akunamasao: bisa kok di taruh langsung javascriptnya, ntar deh aku posting caranya...
ReplyDeleteoke deh bu, saya tunggu yes!
Can you tell me what I did wrong?
It's a mess and I don't know what to do...
I made it firefox. Is that bad?
ReplyDelete@esteban:wow, what happen, try to re-download from my site, fill slideshow before preview
ReplyDeleteI did that and now the glider looks better but the top and bottom are still messed up.
ReplyDelete@esteban: did u use photobucket to host it?
ReplyDeletei suggest u to use, because photobucket usually will resize large image :)
Bingo!! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing, if I may. Any idea why the welcome and archive are up top in FF and down off centered below in IE? I can't figure that out...
@esteban:IE a lil bit make me crazy hehe, but its okey on the latest version
ReplyDeleteThis is a very cool template. I use it for this web site:
ReplyDeleteHi, many thanks for the template.
ReplyDeleteI would like to customize it a bit by removing the search box and expanding the menu to the right (I need space for more menu items).
What do I have to do in order to achieve that?
Thanks, Viktor.
ReplyDeletefyi, thats using background image, so if you remove search bar, there's still search image, so you jave to remove background too and change to only background color
here's the step
1. find this
#NavbarMenu {
background:url( no-repeat;
width: 880px;
height: 89px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #FFF;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 10px 0px 0px 40px;
thats menu background.
background:url( no-repeat;
you can change to
2. Find these
<div id='NavbarMenu'>
<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a href=''>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Posts RSS</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Comments RSS</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Login</a></li>
<div id='NavbarMenuright'>
<div id='search'>
<form action='/search' id='searchform' method='get'>
<div><input id='s' name='q' type='text' value=''/>
<input id='searchsubmit' type='submit' value=''/>
replace to
<div id='NavbarMenu'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a href=''>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Posts RSS</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Comments RSS</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Login</a></li>
Thank you, that did the thing.
ReplyDeleteHello, i resenty added this template to my blog, but i want to change some items. Actually i have 3 questions
ReplyDelete1. How can I change the Gadgets title background?
2. How can I change the "Featured Post Title" for another title
3.Is there is any way to move my featured Post slideshow to the right?
Thanks for your time
NOTE:my blog is in spanish
1. gadget title? open widget through page element, you can change the tittle
ReplyDelete2. that's image. of course you have to make your own image and replace it
3. need many adjustment of course. you have to adjust its width to sidebar width. and then copy featured html code, paste to HTML widget on sidebar
Thxs Cebonng, but whati mean with nomber 1 is, like to change the background, not the title..
ReplyDelete@chino: ups, im sorry im misreading hehhee
ReplyDeletehere's how to
1. create your image
2. upload to your image hosting such as photobucket
3. find
.sidebar h2 {
background:url( no-repeat center;
color: #fff;
font-family:Georgia,Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman;
font: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
padding: 15px 0px 0px 10px;
change that background URL, to your own url
Hey, just love the templet. but is there someway change so the text ends with "...." and you need to klick on the "meny" or the "Read more" button?
ReplyDeleteMvh / Regards Jusola
@jusola;you mean want to remove autothumbnail and readmore and you get fullpost?
ReplyDeleteYes exactly, since many will be confusion when they read and are not familiar with this feature.
ReplyDelete(google translate)
Mvh / regards Jusola
this function is to make your post simplify, people will bore by just seeing (even not reading) such a long post
ReplyDeleteand such a long code to delete, not enough to write
read this
and delete all script
Many thanks for such an awesome template.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have some issues with the slideshow (
It freezes on the last slide.
Could you please tell what I did wrong ?
@mr:that's script default...will stop after some cycling
ReplyDeleteits not working in blogspot because its a rar file how can i convert it to xml file?
ReplyDeletesorry its working now i find ways to install it while exploring hehe...
ReplyDeletethe slide is not working when i put another slide only the recent slide is being detected
ReplyDeleteNice template.... thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletei feel so thanxful !!!!!!! such a functional design ! - but can i ask you something~ black seems very sophisticated though i would like to change colour to orange ~ i tried to change html colour codes it didn't work ~:-( help please///// here's my e-mail.
ReplyDeletei really really appreciate that
thanks for the template
ReplyDeleteI like
I am using it on my blog:
thank you very much
ReplyDeleteI used your template and my widget placement is messed up. Even basic templates don't work now. Please have a look at my blog and let me know what is wrong with it.
ReplyDeleteI used your template and my widget placement is messed up. Even basic templates don't work now. Please have a look at my blog and let me know what is wrong with it. my blog
hi, actually you dont need to change any image URL
ReplyDeleteplease recheck it, seems you change image url, for example
Page Not Found
Hey, thanks for the reply but these images are there I do not know why does it say page not found in your case, when I tried it it was working.
ReplyDeletethank template kereen, ijin 'ngopy' saya pake di blog ...
ReplyDeletepusssying...glider slide shownya gak berjalan
ReplyDeleteI'm using your template (awesome!!) but I'm having some problems with "Featured Posts". When I add the second code copy, it only shows the last one added and doesn't make the "slide show".
How can I fix it?
Hello, I have a questionIs it posible that I can remove the slideshow? Please help.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the article, great information. May have some questions. Will be back.
ReplyDeleteHello is it possible to get it in another colour than blue? How do i do it??
ReplyDeleteMuito bom!
ReplyDeleteGostei desse template, bem clean e moderno. Resolvi quase todos os “mistérios” dele. Como a Christiane, tenho uma questão: Alguém sabe como faço para mudar aquela imagem do “readmore”??! Se souber fico agradecido! Muito Obrigado…
Very good!
I liked this template, well clean and modern. I decided almost all ” mistery” of it. As the Christiane, I have a question: Somebody knows as I make to change that image of “readmore”! If to know is been thankful! Thanks a lot…
This is a great template, I will use this template soon on my blog RichHomeWorker.Blogspot.Com
Nice - thanks!
ReplyDeleteFrank @ Instant Loans
this is nice blog..
Hi, How to add older posts - newer posts link at the bottom of page?
ReplyDeleteka aku boleh langsung minta kode XML nya ga ?? ga ngerti kalau pake file rar hehe..
ReplyDeleteemail aku di
thanks :)
I have collected 11 Clean blogger templates on my blog may be you like to see that....
I got a problem on my blog.
The template duplicates itself. I want the lower half to be cut off.Can you please contact me asap?
templatenya bagus..,tapi tutorialnya gak jelas sehingga newbie kayak saya gak bisa pake ini.., tlg kasi tutorial yg lengkap di satu file rtf/docx
ReplyDeletewah bagus banget templatenya.., sukses diterapkan di blog saya ( terimakasih untuk templatenya :)
ReplyDeleteHey great theme. Thanks...Looks great. the slideshow is amazimg..
ReplyDeleteBut i am getting a error.
Every time i open a post, it opens twice, one after another.
Check it out :
saya mencoba menggunakan template ini, tapi karena pusing, jadi saya ganti dengan template lain. tetapi sialnya, konten glider ikut terbawa. bagaimana cara menghilangkan konten yang terbawa dari template ini? balas kilat.
ReplyDelete@queen: di delete saja dari page element, click edit kemudian remove/delete
ReplyDeletevery nice template! I use on my blog :
but I have got a problem for my visitors to post a comment with "anonym" profil, the check box to enter a code letter is masked?
How make to enlarge the comments blok?
Thank you for another essential article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a complete way of writing? I have a presentation incoming week, and I am on the lookout for such information.
ReplyDeleteLovely template! I have edited on my blog ( to include About & Contact pages in the navbar instead of post and comment RSS, but the featured slider is showing on all pages. How do I edit to only have it show on the homepage?
Many thanks,
thank's for all.....
ReplyDeletethe side show seem show 1 times , can it set show repeat more times ?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHallo... om ipietoon, saya coba pake templatemu nih.
ReplyDeletebtw.. disini agak bingung.. di blog aku kok jadi panjang yah? sini :
Bisa gak bagian bawah2nya yang panjang itu dihilangkan?
justru kan tombol read more berfungsi memperpendek, supaya gak makan bandwidth..
gimana cara memperpendeknya? seperti ini :
Thanks yah.. gak disangka ada orang indo hebat banget, bikin template yang TOP !!!
I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it.but u need to change some templates I have you bookmarked your site to check out the latest stuff you post.
ReplyDeleteHi i have a same doubt like king - can we set that slide show few more times.......
I definitely loved every little bit of it but u need to change some templates I have you bookmarked your site to check out the latest stuff you post.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for this excellent read!!
ReplyDeleteReally amazing one....thanks for the upload.
ReplyDeleteGreat dude, i really love this
ReplyDeleteI looks great, pretty well organized and perfect for people who wants something personal and serious for not commercial purposes, thanks
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