Apr 21, 2009

Black Nero

As its name, Black Nero blogger template is my another dark template. Dominated black, grey, and dark color, added light green color for variation. This template is adsense ready. I've set all adsense placement. Compatible on all newest browser version.

you can preview and download here

Name : Black Nero
Author : Ipiet
Featured : 3 column, adsense ready
Compatible : all major browser

Setting and Installation (Read this before ask)

Top Navigation Bar

Find and edit this code below

<div class='topnav'>
<ul id='topnav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.ipietoon.com'>Free Template</a></li>
<li><a href='http://cebong.com'>Online Business</a></li>
<li><a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE'>Edit</a></li>
<li><a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE'>Edit</a></li>

Adsense 468x60 adn 728x15 Set Up

Edit through Page Element. Edit HTML widget and put your adsense code

Adsense Below Post

  • Convert your adsense 468x60 code using encoder
  • Open Edit HTML, tick on Expand Widget Template
  • Find this code below
<div class='adspost'>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-6878272033077162";
google_ad_host = "pub-1599271086004685";
/* 468x60, created 3/11/09 */
google_ad_slot = "6629674812";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type="text/javascript">
  • Change red text to your converted adsense code

Banner Set up

Access through Edit HTML, find these code and change to your own link

<div class='banner'>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdqft2u3O1KoV1gv4iOa5R9Q-5p4lTY-cN6em0bMI1v0_USnrMRFMBECwTciMr77nXOgTFvbJkcqthTGawgGK9MW_QwSTnSNB8rytuO-ZWN3XbEqJpeXN8m3ksKw6-xLXCa-zXWBpKmjcO/s1600/advertise+125x125.png'/></a>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdqft2u3O1KoV1gv4iOa5R9Q-5p4lTY-cN6em0bMI1v0_USnrMRFMBECwTciMr77nXOgTFvbJkcqthTGawgGK9MW_QwSTnSNB8rytuO-ZWN3XbEqJpeXN8m3ksKw6-xLXCa-zXWBpKmjcO/s1600/advertise+125x125.png'/></a>

<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdqft2u3O1KoV1gv4iOa5R9Q-5p4lTY-cN6em0bMI1v0_USnrMRFMBECwTciMr77nXOgTFvbJkcqthTGawgGK9MW_QwSTnSNB8rytuO-ZWN3XbEqJpeXN8m3ksKw6-xLXCa-zXWBpKmjcO/s1600/advertise+125x125.png'/></a>
<a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdqft2u3O1KoV1gv4iOa5R9Q-5p4lTY-cN6em0bMI1v0_USnrMRFMBECwTciMr77nXOgTFvbJkcqthTGawgGK9MW_QwSTnSNB8rytuO-ZWN3XbEqJpeXN8m3ksKw6-xLXCa-zXWBpKmjcO/s1600/advertise+125x125.png'/></a>

Timestamp Format

To make calendar date appear properly, change your timestamp format to Wednesday, April 21, 2009
Access through Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

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  1. saya blogger pemula minta ijin menggunakan template ini sesuai etika pemakaian, saya ingin kasih gambar tapi masih bingung caranya...maklum pemula..
    terimakasih, matur kesuwun...

  2. wadah2,
    ny0m0d template ae k0g kudu n0m0ng,
    eh keren jgag,
    aku pengen yg wrna ij0 n elegan du0nk,
    mbk minta d0a yah,
    tadi mtemtika uangel mbk,
    smpek kreteng rmbud (kelek) ku,
    bs0g malah visika kmudian kmia,
    d0ain dkaseh kmudahan ya,
    n lulus amien,

  3. Seng dasarane puteh, apik wi bong. Hohohoho. Soale motoku rodok blawor nek kon nyawang peteng peteng.

  4. Mbak..aku agak mumet kalo pake template hitam
    dulu pernah pake
    hasilnya?? jan nyesek tenan
    aku gak betah, makane tak ganti

    kalo dasarnya putih kayanya lebih bagus
    tapi ya gak tahu tergantung selera masing2

    aku pake templatenya mbak bong juga lho untuk blog baruku ini


  5. A very nice template! I'm trying it out on the new blog I'm setting up


    Thanks for sharing!

  6. @btheme:apa
    @rampadan: iyoh dan, gampang kok css nya
    @itik:yuppie diriku jg lbh suka yg terang hehehhehe tingkiyu sarannya ya
    @jtsantos: thanks for visiting, happy editing

  7. bagaimana mau letak advertise di template?kenapa saya click di (advertise here) Keluarnya ini: "http://www.your-link-here.com/"

  8. Nek template aku seneng ireng, tapi nek kodok aku seneng sing IJO utowo IJU!!!

  9. @feed: please read installation setting carefully

    Banner Set up, I've write all

    @pak marsud:wkwkwkkwkwkwk woooo

  10. kenapa di setiap post ada "undefined"? total kesemuanya ada 3 di setiap post. satu besar dengan warna putih dan dua lagi kecil.

  11. di preview kamu ada time.tapi saya punya tidak ada. yang ada undefined

  12. Mbak bong ijin sedot yang item ini lagi ya...wekekeke...ayo keluarin terus yang item2... :D

  13. @feeq: READ instruction carefully, I've write all
    Timestamp Format

    To make calendar date appear properly, change your timestamp format to Wednesday, April 21, 2009
    Access through Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

    @achilles: wokeh deh, halah senenganmu lhakan

  14. where to get time stamp format to Wednesday, April 21, 2009

  15. in banner set up, i can add my own link.but how to make the "advertise here" got picture of the?

  16. bisa gag mbak kalo backgrond nyah diganti warna putih ato yang laen

  17. @feeq:

    it's source image. Upload your own image to ur hosting such as photobucket.

    @haqie: ya gantien sendiri loh :P

  18. @cebong Ipiet You're most welcome. I am fairly new to blogging and feels enthusiastic at web design, that's why I try to visit sites like yours as often as I could. It caught my interests and It would've been nice to learn web design eventually...

  19. @julius: im learning too, design is my hobby. waiting for your work. Thanks again

  20. makasih template nya ,saya sudah ganti format tanggalnya tapi belum berubah,apa mungkin ada kesalah lainnya ya mbak ????
    pusing nih maklum baru coba ..............

  21. @lia: timestamp format, bukan date header, sudah belum?

  22. permisi saya pakae template ini untuk blog
    >>>gimana ya cara menghilangkan "undefined?"
    Thank's banget

  23. Baca petunjuknya dulu
    Setting and Installation (Read this before ask)

  24. izin sedot boz..mantep niy template nya trims.

  25. apik e bong... sumpe de...

    ndang sinau wordpress, ngko aku warahi... hohoho...

  26. ya nuhun nyak, tested on http://kiapemuda.blogspot.com
    tarenkyou all

  27. whaduh, apik mbak!
    jane seneng iks..
    tapi sudah terkadung pake yg Grin.
    maklum seneng ijojoan..

    btw thx ya :)

  28. mpok ene hang lage kagak templatenya ??? huehehehehehehe

  29. @tyo: mskdnya?
    @akunamasao;hehehehe apik kok rombakanmu
    @all: thanks for visiting

  30. thx ya.. wis menyempatkan mampir..
    hihi jadi isyin aku..

  31. Hola tenia una pregunta, no me aparece la fecha en el cuadro asignado y cuando entro a la seccion de fuentes y colores no me aparece nada para poder configurarla, a ver si me podrian ayudar.

  32. @cristian: He escrito en mi puesto, no lo lee cómo configurar el formato de fecha

  33. aye man its nice information for every one. thank for share golden information.

  34. boleh juga nih di uji cobakan di blog baruku

  35. hello,
    I am trying to get my blog description to show up properly below my title but it will not show up. What do I need to change for it to show up?

  36. @ray:oo.. you display navbar, it change everything.

    find this

    width: 960px;
    height: 100px;
    color: #70a600;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    background:url(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Se3a6AEbZvI/AAAAAAAABYo/iYUCn-2pwxc/s1600/splatz.png) no-repeat left center;

    background:url(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Se3a6AEbZvI/AAAAAAAABYo/iYUCn-2pwxc/s1600/splatz.png) no-repeat left center;


    #header h1 {
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 36px;
    font-family: Lucida sans unicode,Georgia, Times New Roman;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 15px 0 0 80px;
    text-decoration: none;


    padding: 15px 0 0 80px;


    padding: 15px 0 0 0px;


    #header .description {
    color: #70a600;
    margin-left: 25px;
    padding-left: 60px;

    padding-left: 60px;


    padding-left: 0px;

    play on header CSS

    :D adjust it self...

  37. My blog was changed to your template.
    It became reference very much because the setting was in the article.
    There is no problem though the blog is a Japanese page.

    However, the photograph of the article on the blog becomes square, and I want to change the setting.

    Thank you.

  38. @sota: thanks for your comment. It's default setting. Maybe you can tweak it :D I mean edit your pic using image editor software before upload it hehehe...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. mau nanya nih. aku kan pemula jd maklum klo gaptek.
    waktu aku pake theme ini di bagian tanggal kok muncul "undefined" gmn solusi nya. trims
    plz email me

  41. @anonim: mohon di baca petunjuk instalasinya..sudah saya tulis semua di posting

  42. Still my blog shows time undefined

    please see my blog http://apfactory.blogspot.com/

  43. @apafactory: you didnt use my template.. so?

    Timestamp Format

    To make calendar date appear properly, change your timestamp format to Wednesday, April 21, 2009
    Access through Setting>Formatting>Timestamp Format

  44. templatenya bagus2 mba'...minta izin untuk download yach...makasih banyak mba' ipiet...

  45. Thank's mbak cebong templatenya keren, jadi nafsu bikin blog lagi, mau tanya kok kode script ikut ikut-an keluar yah di kolom tulisan ? Masalahnya dimana ?

  46. @alex:kode script yg mana ya? hehhehe semangat

  47. Terima Kasih sekali lagi mbak, tampilan di blognya kok kode script bisa muncul, coda deh lihat di http://mql4indicators.blogspot.com/
    tapi kalo dah masuk ke Read rest of entry
    normal aja http://mql4indicators.blogspot.com/2009/05/testtttttttt.html

  48. Makasih banyak ya mbak Ipiet ...
    kalo pake template bagus, semangat postingnya..hehehehe

  49. >However, the photograph of the article on the blog becomes square, and I want to change the setting.

    I try to change the html script

    img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height=""

    Simply leaving only Width, Height "+img_thumb_width+'px" to "" change only.
    Does not transform the image

  50. @sota: change on this

    summary_noimg = 430;
    summary_img = 340;
    img_thumb_height = 200;
    img_thumb_width = 200;

    thats image size on thumbnail mode

  51. I can't install the template. I get the following message:
    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{2}) was found in the value of attribute "{1}" and element is "10".

    Could you help me, please?

    Thanks. =)

  52. kulonuwuuunnnn. mbak mohon ijin bloger templatenya tak pasang di www.oniisuzu.blogspot.com. biar tambah banyak yg liat. maturnuwuuunnn


  53. @jackie: do you upload it ? i didn't face that problem..would u try on new blog
    @oni: iya silahkan

  54. Hello Ipiet,

    I have just tried to upload again and had the very same problem. I don't know what's wrong. I've been trying on the new blog.
    Any ideas?


  55. @jacky:thanks, I've updated... you can download it..bug is fixed

  56. hi, I tried to update the timestamp as you mentioned but it still shows my date as undefined - please see my blog http://vintagefusionhandcrafts.blogspot.com/

  57. also, if I want the picture sizing to be as per what I uploaded, is there a way to make the template just pick up my photos and just display the photo with their original sizings?

    appreciate any help.

  58. @emy: re-check, change time stamp or date header?

    if you upload using blogger, it's automatically resize, maybe you can upload it to another imagehosting and pick html code

  59. @emy: it seems your timestamp still on 7:15 AM format

  60. I am sorry if i keep bugging as I am trying to implement the blog layout and find some areas that I would like some help on (apart from the 2 comments I posted earlier.)

    On the main page.
    1. I realize that the links on the blog entry isn't clickable until the person goes to the actual blog entry page. Is there a way to change that?

    2. Also, the formatting also removes any paragraphing I have. Is there a way to display my blog (to say 200 words) before it goes to the read more?

    3. For the "advertise here" space, how can I replace it with statcounter ads?

    4. I know this is probably my problem but when I put my mag mentions, the layout seems to be off.

    Many apologies and once again, thanks for your help.

  61. @emy

    1. you have to remove automatic readmore, i think people will always click read more first to read all post, read this http://www.ipietoon.com/2009/03/automatic-thumbnail-and-readmore.html

    2. read comments on http://www.ipietoon.com/2009/03/automatic-thumbnail-and-readmore.html post, I have wrote all instruction

    3. remove all div id='banner section'
    why you dont put your statcounter on left or right sidebar, just add HTML widget

    4.i have no idea yet

  62. summary_noimg = 430;
    summary_img = 340;
    img_thumb_height = 200;
    img_thumb_width = 200;

    thats image size on thumbnail mode

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. @disclaimer: that's ads is for your banner. You can put your adsense code on another sidebar section, just add HTML widget

  66. hi, thanks for your reply.

    Is there anyway that i can leave the thumbnail to be a % of the actual jpg so that it is flexible? Say 85%?

    As my jpgs are rectangular (either 3" x 4" tall or 4" x 3" wide), they look odd when they are being displayed on the homepage due to the specified size coding that is applied.


  67. @emy: edit this

    img_thumb_height = 200;
    img_thumb_width = 200;

  68. Hi Ipiet.Thank you for the layout.It rocks
    Do you have any post explaining how to add meta tags for search engines? Description meta tag and keyword meta tags etc?
    It would really help me a lot.
    Any ideas how to add them and where?

  69. @M.S: i know about meta tag, but I don't put yet on my template. Im not expert on SEO, but a lil bit know about it. Thanks for your suggestion

  70. Thank you for your reply Ipiet.
    Theres no problem of course.I'm happy with what i can get!;)
    Meta tags are very important if you want to list your page in search engines,like Google,yahoo search,MSN etc. Its the only way that those engines will read a description of what your site is about.

  71. @M.S; hey i like ur logo on ur blog :)
    yup, I know it, i consider to add it, this blog listed enough for blogger template keyword

  72. perfect. thanks for sharing..

  73. I've set the "Timestamp Format" as you instructed, but it do not works.... Plz check this link and suggest me what to do.


  74. @seema: you didn't

    you set your date header, not your timestamp, check again

  75. Mbk ifiet, saya dah pasang templateya diblog saya keren bgt! Tapi bleh gak saya tambahin ling modify by 'link dan nama saya' pengen numpang keren gt! Minta izinnya mbak ipiet, kalo gak boleh saya cbt lg deh,gmn?

  76. @cacink: iya cink untuk personal boleh aja ditambahin

  77. Hi, thanks for all your help the last time.

    I am wondering if you can check my blog:

    Right now, my homepage show the posts in full -- can I confirm if it's a blogger issue and that I didn't change any coding by mistake?


  78. @emy; did u change any code? nothing problem on my thumbnail

  79. Sorry, that I mean is not the thumbnail.

    There is the readmore previously. But now, on my page, the blog post is displayed in full on the homepage which is not supposed to happen.

    And I realized the problem happen only after blogger is down for maintenance.

  80. @emy:my blog also using readmore (its embedded with thumbnail, automatically), and nothing happen after maintenance. I have no idea, because I don't know (maybe) which code is changed

  81. Thank for the great template. But I have a small problem, I can't see the "Adsense 460x60 banner" widget (the one's in top next to the header) in Page Element so I can't add Adsense there. Could you show me how to show it?

  82. @minh: read instruction setting...

    Banner Set up

    Access through Edit HTML, find these code and change to your own link

  83. Ijin sedot template ya bos...
    terima kasih..matur nuwun.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. @cebong: thx, I downloaded the updated version from this post and it is fixed.

  86. @minh:great, read all instruction setting to set up..

  87. thanks I like your template.

    but I have a trouble for my posting

    look my blog:

    In the rest of entry, I can't read my posting.
    what's the proble.
    I hope you can help me.

  88. @lutfi: where do you download it from? try to make another blog. Just for trial, it seems something wrong on your blog

  89. mbaaak....tanggal disaya ko masih ga bisa ya, masih undefined! huhu....padahal di format dikalendernya udah disetting sesuai ketentuan diatas...mohon pencerahan....


  90. ato setting bahasanya juga harus inggris?

  91. i can't make the template to show me the author...
    maybe is because we are 2 authors?

  92. @pavel: it's appear , download from my original source, because i can't guarantee/help if you download from another source. Dont know whether they change my code or not

  93. nice template but can you tell me how to change the header of the template black nero cause i want a speacil header for my blog
    plz tell me

  94. @adeel: edit image header

  95. @adeel: be respectful

  96. Dear Cebong Ipiet,

    What a wonderful theme! Bravo!

    Just need a little help. I have the adsense code for 125x125 adslot to be in used in the 4-slot adbox in the top right hand corner of the theme. Where and How can I insert it?

    Cheers from Sri Lanka!

    Best Wishes for your future!


  97. @raveendra: you can put on sidebar (wide sidebar under banner), access through page element. Add HTMl widget and paste your ads code

  98. I loved that sking but was just avoiding this skin just because of this error Timestamp Format
    .. loved that... thanks mate !!

  99. @killer: thats why I state, please read instruction carefully

  100. Hey Ipiet im enjoying the template so far.However i would like to take your adsence code out and replace it with my own.I would really appreciate it if it would be ok with you and if you could tell my how to do that of course

  101. hey sorry for the second reply. I ve just noticed that your adsence banner code appears only when a post is being viewed. Its fine with me to leave it there as long as it doens't interact with my own adsence.

  102. @M.S:follow this step

    1. open edit HTML
    2. tick mark on Expand Widget Template
    3. Find code under <div class='adspost'>
    4. Delete it or change to your own code

  103. thank you very much for your quick reply.
    i appreciate your help!
    keep up the good work ;)

  104. @M.S: really thanks to change it, :) thanks for visiting

  105. one more thing please..sorry if i drive you nuts!lol
    is there any way that i can add the slider from this template http://www.cahayabiru.com/2009/04/gamezine-white.html
    to my http://cinemopoly.com Black Nero template?

  106. it kinda explains here what the code is but i really can't figure out where to put it...

  107. @M.S: of course you can, but, a lil bit complicated setting

    you must edit CSS code, and then section code, and add widget through page element

    ough don't forget, such a long javascript

  108. yea its such a headache. i ve been trying to figure it out for the past 2 days now. Im just trying to add a slidder for my new movies over where it says top 5 views...
    oh man. this is such a complicated thing for the newbies lol

  109. @M.S : maybe you can learn from dynamicdrive.com , there's a simple slide script

    the most difficult is how to make it view properly hehehe

  110. hehe i think i made something that looks kinda ok .Wow it took me 3 days to write a simple code. I need to go to school for coding.
    Well at least its rolling lol

  111. @M.S: hehehe i've seen, it's okey at least running, and light script ;) (not heavy loaded)

  112. mbak....
    kok g bisa nampilin related post??
    gimana nie??

  113. @makna hidup:di coba lagi ya, soalnya yg lain berhasil masang related post

  114. I love your black template and couldn't resist myself from implementing fo rmy blog.
    Please help me:
    I am stuck with couple of problems after installed black nero the template.
    1.Image alignment after i click on the read more is not automatic and i dont see any instructions for how to align images left,right,center in a post. Please help as my blog is live right now live i need your help at the earliest.(http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/2009/04/aditya-music-channel.html and http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/2009/06/utv-hindi-movies-channel-online-live.html)

    2. the labels are getting weirdly aligned so can you please help me in fixing it.(http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/2009/06/utv-hindi-movies-channel-online-live.html)

    3. When i added a poll it added an iframe in which the font is something else and text color is black as the background is dark i couldnt see the text properly so i was forced to change the background to green color (70a600).
    i added #poll1{ background colro: #70a600;} in css. (http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/)

    4. Now i like the reactions feature in blogger and used to it but when i enabled the reactions feature nothing is showing up in black nero template.(http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2008/08/bloggers-new-reactions-feature-how-to.html)

    Non Stop Blogger

  115. 1. when you upload image to blogger, there's option, middle, left, center, or none. Which one you choose? don't choose none
    2. oic, you're using so many labels. Suggested to delete that date header. Leave your mail, i will send how to
    3. i've set default text is grey. But you use widget, of course widget have its own default text color.
    4. Open edit HTML

    tick on Expand widget template

    find <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'/>

    paste all these code below, put under that code

    <span class='reaction-buttons'>
    <b:if cond='data:top.showReactions'>
    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr>
    <td class='reactions-label-cell' nowrap='nowrap'
    valign='top' width='1%'>
    <span class='reactions-label'>
    <td><iframe allowtransparency='true'
    class='reactions-iframe' expr:src='data:post.reactionsUrl'
    frameborder='0' name='reactions' scrolling='no'/></td>

    <span class='star-ratings'>
    <b:if cond='data:top.showStars'>
    <div expr:g:background-color='data:backgroundColor'
    expr:g:text-color='data:textColor' expr:g:url='data:post.absoluteUrl'
    g:height='42' g:type='RatingPanel' g:width='280'/>

  116. I appreciate your prompt reply.

    I have pasted the code you gave me for reactions and i placed the same code in the template. but the text of the reactions is black which is not at all visible. For an iframe where should i change the color is there a css class already mentioned for it or do i need to do one. You can go to main page to observe what i am saying.

    How do i? if i wanted to show reactions in read more post. As i want the reactions to appear after the post is been read.

    My email id is nonstopblogger@gmail.com
    Blog: http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/

    I also need the text color of my poll to be changed to the blog text. I searched a lot of places no proper solution anywhere.

    I will try align images properly now and let you know.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I used a widget but it seems not working that great right now for displaying my feeds as icons media wall right now at the bottom.
    I want to display my live channels(http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/) like on this page which seems to load better than a flash widget (watch live channels on this page: http://www.yupptv.com/default.aspx).
    Any help suggestions or tutorials to do it will be highly appreciated.
    The day i saw your website i have shared your website with many of them, i do click one ad per visit.

  119. 1.Reaction button, as I said, it's blogger default iframe and script (not text but embedded script), I can't change it even I add color code to iframe class.

    2. to hide reaction button, and show when readmore clicked

    put this code

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

    before reaction code

    and give closed tag


    after reaction code

    3.as I said, your poll text is default from poll widget.Cannot be changed, even adding code to iframe. Blogger has enhanced follower widget by adding editing color menu. But not yet for another widget.

    4. Why you dont put TV at sidebar? find TV widget that can be customized, adjusted to sidebar size

  120. I tried doing the same but the reaction button still shows up in the main page even though i use the if condition you gave.

    Is there any other solutions or gadgets to us instead of iframes which cannot be customized offered by blogger.

    That was a very useful sugegstion about the tv widget i did that. Is there any place where they offer to customize tv or any widgets and earn money through ads for free.

    Also can you give me some tips and suggestions to improve traffic and earn money from my blog.

    Also please review my website (http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com and http://nonstopmovies.blogspot.com) and give me your valuable suggestions to improve it.

    I appreciate your time thanks a lot

  121. @non stop : there's another rating star , but using complex javascript. I've never tried it.

    about earn money from TV widget, i dont know much. Because I just put my adsense, not for another advertisement

    improve traffic? hehehe you can read bloggingtips.com

    so many suggestion you can find there. Reputable writers

  122. How Do i use this template on my SIte .. i have Just Registerd For a Domain name and Would Like to use your template , please guide me

  123. Hi Cebong..

    Thank you. I am now using your tamplate for my private blog.

    It rocks!! Thank you again.

  124. @gille: hi gille, thanks really thanks for using and visiting

  125. bro numpang nanya..template yg di pakai sob http://ekakom.blogspot.com yag mn ya soale ngiri bgt makasih ya

  126. Hai bro,
    Baru belajar guna ur template n its working perfectly... like ur work... keep up ur good works....

  127. ijin buat koleksi, thanks a lot ...

  128. Whenever i conditional make a widget visble only on home page then there is an empty space is shown even if there is no widget in the other posts page.

    Widget i am talking about:
    Watch 80+ English Live Tv Channels
    on My Home page: http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/
    On the rest of the pages: http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/2009/06/non-stop-movie-telugu-channel.html
    observer the space left blank but the widget place is visible.

    I want to get rid of that space the same is happening with the feeds widget i created in home page:http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/
    post page:http://nonstoptv.blogspot.com/2009/06/non-stop-movie-telugu-channel.html

    in post page check that there is a space above the post.

    Please suggest me how to get rid of that space when hiding the widget conditionally

  129. that's because you put it on sidebar... you didn't hide sidebar just hide widget, so its background will still appear

    usually I use special class, so I hide this class, not only content

    im sorry I also get this issue, I really dont know why the mainpost get down :(

  130. Thanks for the reply but i desperately need to get rid of that background in sidebar as it looks ugly on my sidebar with out any content.
    can you share the special class code that you are talking about in order to hide the background.
    thanks in advance

  131. you can use banner for the example, see my original design that using banner on sidebar
    thats special class

    css code

    maybe you can use it
    i mean try to create

    css code}

    and then put it under banner section

  132. sure thanks, i will give a try n let u know

  133. Matur suwun sanget kulo haturaken dumaten Admin(cebong ipiet)

    mugi2 ilmu panjenengan katah manfaatipun!

    Menawi angsal,kulo bade tumut ngeDownload template meniko!

    Sendiko dawuh mbak ipiet :-D :-P

  134. mbak ebong..gmna caranya ngilangin image di atas(header)yg ijo itu yaa

  135. cari aja
    header background nya
    delete aja url gmbrnya

  136. This template is cool.
    the comments counter can see only the first page?

  137. Hi Cebong,
    I really need your help, i try to paste the adsense code for the 125X125 banner into your code, but it just doesnt work, i have been trying for whole day and i still dont know how to paste or merge it to you code. please teach me how to do it. thanks a million time.


  138. @balastrea:yes, but you can edit it

  139. Any tips on how do I edit to make counter comments on other posts?

  140. Such a nice template and helpful instructions... Its working perfectly... Thanks. :)

  141. @balastraea:
    1. open edit html
    2. tick on expand widget template
    3. find this
    <span class='post-comment-link'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>1 <data:top.commentLabel/><b:else/><data:post.numComments/> <data:top.commentLabelPlural/></b:if></a>

    4. delete
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>



  142. How to ad google adsense search ads for the search you have in the Black nero template because i want it desperately as it gives me more revenue as lot of people search in my website.

  143. kalo aku mau nampilin jpg di bawah navigation bar..diantara navigation bar sama posting....gimana???

  144. @non stop blogger: just pick your code from adsense account, and remove that search widget
    @dede: :O add widget aja

  145. hi! I just want to say.. i love the template very much. So far, no problem with it.. hope you don mind if i seek your help when I face problem with it. By the way, can i customise it to my own preference? What software did you use to create it? I have dreamweaver.

  146. hi cmate

    you can use it, or to simplify, you can edit through edit HTML on your blogger dashboard

  147. As everyone has said, very cool template and easy to use. Well, it would be easy if I knew what I was doing! I need help with two things: 1)when i setup adsense below the posts (html directions) in firefox it sits on TOP of post but with IE it is placed properly. How do I fix it? This leads to question 2) in trying to fix it, I deleted the html for it, yet it is still there. How?


    Thanks for help

  148. I also notice now a few things are not spaced in firefox like they are in IE. Is it me or it it ffox?

  149. @brick: put on wide element under header...

    put 728x15

    and on right header, thats better use ads image 468x60

    no need to give the tittle

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. @cebong ipiet : got it all fixed thanks! Sorry for all the spam, took me a bit to understand finally

  154. @brick:thats okey brick, glad to know it's fixed...

  155. bang..aku udah install template ini tp tempalte lama kadang2 suka muncul kembali. kenapa ya??

  156. @fahmi:masalah browser aj mungkin..refresh aj

  157. udah bisa bang..ada 2 pertanyaan lagi.

    1. bikin link antara header dengan posting gmna ya?
    2. cara ngerubah warna text di recent comment gmna? punya aku jadi hitam semua, maunya warna ijo kyk warna text yg laen.

  158. eh sory kak..bukan bang ya. hehe

  159. Hi!

    Kalau I nak change to Wordpress Theme guna this design, will you be able to provide it as well? I really love this very very much...

  160. @hi
    sorry im not really experience in wordpress
    maybe you can convert it

  161. mas minta ijin menggunakan templete na..
    terima kasih.

  162. Sir if you want you can make my site your demo for the black nero i have set it very well


    if you want me to do something on my blog , so that it is easy for u to make it a demo contact me at ,


  163. gobblerr: :) thanks but i guess my demo is enough.great customization

  164. no, thanks
    anyway, I see that you state about creative common license. hope you understand about that,and apply it self. be respectful by not removing link footer on free template released under CCL :)

  165. sure, i will keep the footer links but i don't have the code i replaced it with my own.please give it me the code for the footer links so i can put it in my blog + can you tell me that how can i put ads between my post and how to make my post round corner.

  166. gobbler is my blog forgot to tell.

  167. adeel: easy, just give the link to my site, as you do on your site link

  168. well OK but you forgot to tell me how to show ads in the post and how to make my post round corner.

  169. put ads code under post.body

    use image for round corner

  170. can you please explain a little bit more on how to place ads below post title in a little depth there are to data.post cvode in my template.

  171. can you please explain a little bit more on how to place ads below post title in a little depth there are to data.post cvode in my template.

  172. 1.open edit html
    2.tick mark on expand widget template
    3. find

    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.link'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

    4. parse (encode) your adsense code using this http://centricle.com/tools/html-entities/
    5. paste it under that code

  173. only one problem the ads are showing in my front page i want the ads to be shown when a peson clicks on the read full story not on my homepage but on my article pages.

  174. give this code

    <b:if cond="data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl">
    your encoded ads code

  175. thanks mate , it worked , hope i keep comming here for more and you keep checking my blog.

  176. i need to ask you one more thing mate that how can I show another google ad in my post just befor the shareto or add to any social bookmarking widget.


  177. @adeel:put after post.body or before your social bookmarks code

  178. my social bookmarking code is added through the settings post feed footer.

  179. Great template. I installed it successfully and modify the template based on my mood without any problem. >>> http://nichesource.blogspot.com/

    Thank you.

  180. @adeel:put under post.body thats mean before social bookmark, try it first

  181. Cebong, thank you for such a great template, when I found it, I just had to use it and have made a blog so I can. I had initial problems with the timestamp, but after reading and rereading, I finally got it.

    I have never seen such dedication to a blog site from a developer. You spend so much time answering and solving problems, you are to be commended.

    Now, my question: I do not have any intention of using my blog for adsense. But I would like to use the adsense sidebar to place links to some sites that have helped me, in order to promote them. Is this possible?



  182. @argentum: hehe thanks , even i didnt realize this post have 198 comments XD

    of course you can, if you dont need that banner section, just delete it. how to? read instruction about banner. that's all code to be deleted

    you can add widget easily. just click add gadget/widget and choose bloglist gadget, that's gadget for placing link of another blog or something you want to promote

  183. Ok i will try , another tips tat i was wondering is that how can i change the footer background to some of it with my own taste.sorry to be bothering you again and again and again.


  184. just looking for



    edit to your own interest color

  185. Cebong, thanks for the reply. I have figured out how to modify the adsense banner block - the learning curve is a wonderful thing.

    Now, if you check, I would like to utilise the buttons at the top of the page for my own purposes. Do I have your permission?

    I am having fun...


  186. @argentum:which button ? you mean blogger navbar?




    Im checking your profile, so many blog, hehe I dont know which one you mean.


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