Apr 19, 2009

Flower Garden 3 Column

Because there's any request for three column version of Flower Garden template, download here for 3 columns version. For two column version, you can download here

For three column version, I've added three column at lower section. But if you don't want it, just leave it empty.

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  1. mbak bong....
    I lap you...
    ya inilah yang aku cari
    tengkyu yaaaaa

  2. eh aku yang pertama ya...
    tak download dulu ahhhhh

  3. Hi Cebong...
    I love this your template and the three columns one is even better... As you ask, I did not remove any credit at the foot nor add any link, but since I made changes to the html of the template to add myself three columns at the bottom and other little things... I wrote "Modified by" at front of the footer and then your credits come without any change.

    Please have a look at the blog at http://martameiga.blogspot.com and if there is something that bothers you just tell me and I will change it or remove the whole template. Just let me know if these changes are ok with you.



  4. @marta: thanks marta for using my template. I've reply to your blog

    @itik: halah, ini demi dirimu kekekekeke

  5. Thanks Cebong...
    I have already made the changes... hope it is ok now.
    Greetings! and thanks again for such great template...


  6. @marta: you're welcome marta, thanks

  7. diapakno ae....... heheheheh.....

    aku yo melu-melu ah....... three column...

    piss men, ojok di emot maneh....

  8. saya dh upload two column punya..mcm ne nk upgrade ke tiga column..tolong

  9. @cahaya: pesenan e konco
    @ryme:bisa di upload saja xml yang baru, agar widget tidak hilang, bisa mengikuti langkah di post ini

  10. MENU ne d bluez-mu, ku jupuk....
    tak deleh nang gamezine putih...

    iki alamate.... http://gamezine-lite.blogspot.com/

    suwun... :)

  11. Cebong Ipiet , tq..\tq..nnti saya cuba

  12. This is a happy and cheerful template with nice colors! I like how you added the graphic on Read More link, nice!

  13. @cahaya:kwkekkwekwe postingan demo mu tak jupuk, kekekkekek aku males nggulek lorem ipsum
    @ryme: okey ryme, happy coding ohohooh
    @sonali: Huhuhuhu I love your avatar on header

  14. You mean the graphic on my blog? hehe thanks, I often get compliments for it, glad you like it as well!

    Btw, i am thinking to buy the custom domain.
    I see you have bought it, have you bought it from Blogger or other service?

  15. @sonali: I can't draw my own avatar, but I'll try. I bought from other service, from my friend hehe. Only $8 a year. And we don't need to buy own hosting because Blogger will redirect it.

    Actually I also have blog on wordpress, and have to buy my won hosting

  16. @Cebong Ipiet Ah cool! I am also thinking to buy and host it with blogger, i hope the process doesn't take much time.

    On the other hand, I am also thinking to move my blog to self hosted wordpress, but i don't know how easy is that, do you have any experience on that?

  17. Nice template bu.... eh mbak.... eh Ebong...
    Met Hari Kartini.... semoga Wanita Indonesia Jaya selalu.

  18. makin sederhana makin cantik kalo selera saya...

  19. @sonali: it's easy, better you read tutorial first, only take 15 minutes after your domain active

  20. Thanks Cebong Ipiet!
    Will do!:)

  21. Thanks for the lovely template! I downloaded it and am playing with it for a new blog, but I noticed that the blue background in the header and the dark gray band (under the "Home, Free Template, Edit and Edit" links) are not showing up on my blog, the previews from your site or other blogs using this template. Can you check into this glitch? Much appreciated!

  22. Oh...I am also wondering how to display the blogger nav bar at the top again? Thanks.

  23. @noreen:i've seen your blog, i didn't find any problem, what's your browser? if your'e using internet explorer 6 and lower, it's have its own problem in transparent PNG image. I'm using the latest version of IE, IE 8. You have an option to remove animated header if you want to show it

    to show navbar

    #navbar-iframe {
    height: 0px;
    visibility: hidden;
    display: none;



  24. hi,klu kita guna template ni , ada cara kah utk blog kita senang di cari di google atau yahoo?

  25. @azma: template tidak terlalu berpengaruh, yang berpengaruh tentu saja cara posting, keyword, dan SEO technic lain.

  26. salam~ i'm used this template for my e-business blog! tq~ anyway, how to remove "read more" ya? pls respon~tQ!

  27. @khazinatul: read how to set readmore, so you can remove it

  28. mbak bong, salam kenal
    template nya manis banget
    nanti aku coba download ya
    thanks ... ;-)

  29. Thanks for the info...I think I have it that way I want it now! Just have to add the advertising and header bar links as I get going.
    Thanks again and take care.

  30. Hello! I love your template! Being French, I wondered if it is possible to change "read more" to "lire la suite"? I would be really grateful.

    Dominique :)

  31. tick expand widget template

    find this

    <img src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6pbSFKC8YH4/SdjT_p_r7aI/AAAAAAAAAe4/pLIlbgUJAEI/s1600/readmore.png'/>

    and change to your own word

  32. Thank you so much !

    I missed the trick "tick expand widget"...

    That's why I could not find the link !

    Thanx again ! My daughter will love her new stories blog :)

  33. Hello ! I have an other question for you:
    When I insert a link in my text, It's like if it was not taken into account by the template. It is visible only if we click on the "Read more" link... It is normal, and how can I resolve that ?

    Thank you :) And sorry for my poor english...

  34. @coralie: yes it'a normal. Don't worry, beside that visitor have to click readmore to read full post, so ur link still visible

  35. hi..

    saya tak dapat download this this template..

    harap bantu..

  36. mcm mna nak download?
    tlg jap


  37. mbak bong, pakainya tinggal copy paste di bagian template kan? jadi timpa di bagian template blogger, betul?

  38. @journal mommy: di upload saja mbak, kan di edit html ada menu upload

  39. mbak, tadi nyobain timpa di bagian template blogger, ternyata ga berhasil, jadi blank dengan kupu2 sedikit.
    *hiks, malu... ga pernah bongkar HTML*
    apanya yang salah ya?

  40. mbak, begitu click di download, keluar tulisan ini. Makanya aku save dulu di desktop

    C:\DOCUME~1\YENNY\LOCALS~1\Temp\flowergardenipietoontemplate-updated-4.xml could not be opened, because an unknown error occurred.

    Try saving to disk first and then opening the file.

    dibuka lagi memang terbuka html nya
    aku pikir di copy dan paste di bagian edit html blogger ...?

  41. mbak, btw, email aku di yenny.handoko@gmail.com
    please help yaa..


  42. ga usah di buka mbak, habis di save, ya sudah di save aja dulu.. kemudian buka di dashboard blog kita, menu layout, trus edit HTML, disitu ada menu upload, trus diupload file yg tadi ud di save di desktop

  43. mbak, di dashboard aku, adanya:

    new post, edit post, setting, template, monetize

    kaga ada menu layout
    aku coba click template
    langsung masuk ke html code
    apa ada setting-an blogger aku yg keliru?
    koq tampilannya ga ada "layout"?

  44. @journal mommy: mungkin masih memakai template classic mbak, heheheh, udah jarang bgt skrg yg bikin layout bwt template classic. Coba di sekiataran menu di bawah kotak kode HTML ada nggak menu buat upgrade to new blogger template atau apa gt, agak lupa saya, udah lama bgt soalnya

  45. mba keren bangeet yang ini... hebat... aplause kuenceng2 buat mba ebong...

  46. thanks a lot for this!!! =D

  47. mbak.... bisa! setelah di upgrade template
    thanks ...
    aku coba kutak-katik yang blank2 spot nya dulu ya
    nanti kalo ga bisa baru balik lagi ...
    thanks a lot again ... ;-)

  48. Finally some free nice quality templates for blogger on the web!!! Ty very much you r very talented!


  49. mbak, saya kutak katik click facebook badge di blogger
    tau-tau muncul badgenya di blog, tapi gambar header (yang kupu2) beserta heading letter nya hilang ...
    apa yang salah ya?
    kalau memang ga bisa ditambahkan, gimana cara saya remove facebook badge tsb?
    thanks ...

  50. @journal mommy: di taruh dimana? taruh di sidebar saja, add widget HTML

  51. @journal: tinggal remove widget aja

  52. Hi! This is a nice template. Just what I was looking for. I'd like to know if it's possible to remove the advertisements.

  53. @eva: read instruction, or another comment, we've discussed about it

  54. Hi. I have read all previous comments and i know it was already discussed but I would like to remove the read more and show all full posts. I am not understanding how to do it. Can you tell me what code to alter? Thanks

  55. @monkeys mom: you can download without readmore setting, follow instruction setting link.


    Or just remove all script code..

    read this http://www.ipietoon.com/2009/03/automatic-thumbnail-and-readmore.html

  56. Hello Cebong.. I love all your templates especially the baby cute theme and this one which I am using right now =) THANKS so much.. your site has been so helpful to me and your templates are all amazing...

    can i request for more baby template? Or if you made a 3 column for this flower theme upon request, you might also want to make a 3 column for the baby cute? =) looking forward for that.. thanks

  57. @bambie: thanks for your suggestion. maybe after i launch my newest theme, and then will do with your request. stay update ehehhe... thanks for visiting

  58. thanks cebong... im so glad. May i ask why does the parallyx doesnt work with my site? it disappeared.. can i bring it back? thanks =) more power

  59. @bambi: what happen? maybe u need to re-install it

  60. Dear cebong ipiet,

    I love your themes. Very cute. And the fact that your work varies from very cute right up to super macho, really awes me.

    My question, the clouds really CLOUD my blog's name - concealing the name most of the time. Can I have my blog name somehow a layer above the clouds?

    Thanks for the theme & double thanks if you care to answer..

  61. @ummi: hi ummi, thanks vo your visit and comment, encourage me to make another theme. The cloud is transparent, I still have no way to make header name become a layer above the cloud

  62. Thanks for the nice template

  63. hello.. i am grabbing this template of yours..thanks for the great work of art..

  64. Hi Cebong,

    Very nice theme indeed. May I ask how can I change the searh box on this theme to be adsense for search?

    Thank u in advance. May Allah bless u!

  65. @anonym: no need to change

    just delete code from <div id='search'>

    and then add HTML widget (through page element) on sidebar, put your adsense for search code

  66. camne nak tukar template ni...da try download tapi tetp x bleh...=(

  67. Hello!

    Thank you so much for a great template!I would like to ask you a question about the template. You see, I am also using 'Flower Garden' but I cannot use the ADS section (because its unavailable in my country) on the sidebar. So I wanted to ask you if it is possible to remove the ADS part? Or if not how can I use this space fro other links? I'm sorry to have bothered you.

    Thanks in advance!!

    My site is My Soap Opera - http://squirrelstickyposts.blogspot.com/


  68. @evils: open Edit HTML

    find and then delete all banner section below

    <div class='banner'>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>

    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>

  69. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!

  70. I love this template !! I did have to delete the ad link here column also but now it works GREAT !! Please feel free to visit !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!

  71. I am using your template and I have removed the Ad column, thanks!

    By the way, I have added the label cloud too, it seems like doesn't work in IE8, it show me some funny words infront of my label listed. But it works well with Firefox, can the problem be solve?

    Thanks for your help~

  72. @vivian:i'll check it later, will install IE first hehehe

  73. HI
    using it at http://www.misionbella.com/ and loving it!

  74. Hi dear , i downloaded your template and it was superb for my blogs, thanks so much creating thing blog =)

  75. makasih mbak...aku download yah...

  76. @vivi:thanks so much
    @dafauga: iyah

  77. Hi, i like this template, but i have a problem with using them. I can't remove some picture from heders, and i need help.


  78. @sugar:drop your question

  79. I too am trying to remove the ads, but I do not see the text previously stated to remove. Has it been changed? Great Template. Thanks!

  80. @patrina:open edit HTML

    find and then delete all banner section below

    <div class='banner'>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>

    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>
    <a href='http://YOUR-LINK-HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='ads' border='0' src='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nxOMLf2KJwU/Sai5_XgYzxI/AAAAAAAABG4/Da1niOQL0Uw/s1600/advertise%2B125x125.png'/></a>

  81. love your theme...! i'll try to apply it in my blog!

  82. Mbak, kok setiap saya habis publish blog post baru selalu tidak muncul di halaman depannya ya? Katanya tidak ditemukan blog post yang dicari. Gimana ya cara memperbaikinya? Terima kasih.

  83. @diana:blog yg mana mbak? sudah di coba di blog trial lain?

  84. Hi, i love the flower garden templete very much,Thks for a great design. But i wish to delete my photo which i previous upload, how to do it? please help.
    2) I wan to edit the Menu, how to? Sorry i m not familier with blogger.. please help.



  85. @angus:
    1. access through page element, click edit on header widget, remove your picture
    2. read this to setting menu


  86. hi cebong ipiet! thanks so much for sharing your work with us! I just found the perfect match for my blog! i really love this template... hugs from my little ones!

  87. Hi cebong ipiet,
    great job! i luv this template and want to use it as my e-shop blog. I want to maintain the adv section. i know how to make the links and want to change the 'Advertise Here 125x125' to my own picture. Is it possible and how? thanks

  88. bundlejoy: read banner setting instruction here


  89. baru pertama kali bikin blog nih. ijin pake template-nya ya.. thanks

  90. hi cebong, i badly need help,.i cant see any flower and the butterfly.. how to do it?..
    pls help

  91. @hannraph:whats your browser? if you're still use an older version of IE, too bad thats browser didnt support transparent image

  92. i thk im still using the old IE. any idea how to get ur lovely templates. i really like it for my kiddy blog..

  93. Sorry cebong, i got it. juz installed firefox. very very nice, be back soon.. still need ur help.:)

  94. @hannraph:great... that's my fave browser :D, just drop your ask here..

  95. Hi morning again cebong.. im back..
    another q.. how to add ppl comments? txs..

  96. @hann:ppl? what is that? sorry i dont understand, could you explain it to me

  97. sorry for the shortcut word. How to add a column for people leave a comment? *_*

  98. @hann:leave your url, so i can check it. which column? like this one? this is automatically if you choose embedded form commenting system
    set through setting

  99. i want to put a comment column on any articles. seems i lose the 'readmore' column...blog in progress..pls help


  100. that's automatically
    create post first
    you dont have any post
    so just create it first

  101. many2 txs cebong.. u r da best.. very2 helpful too.. god bless.

  102. very cute template... i like it so much...

  103. Hi thanks for this great template. I use it for a project.http://comenius-activities.blogspot.com/ I just wonder if you can give me instruction on how
    1. to add on more png(i can create the same size in photoshop with some kids playing)
    2.keep the text fomating in teaser view( now removes all formating).

  104. 1. save header image, and you can add another image
    2. i dont understand about this

  105. Why am I not able to edit the font size and color through the Fonts and Color section?


  106. Thanks mba :D Izin pake template.a yayaya :))))

  107. this is sooooo nice! izin grab ya kak..
    btw, mau dong flower garden 3 columns nya dibikn yang leftside dan rightside, jadi posisi postingnya di tengah?

    ato ajarin dong gimana cara memodifikasinya? please... makasih banyak kak.. ^ ,^

  108. mbak... mkasih templatenya, cool !! saya pake ini. tp mau tanya, utk colom advertise (yg ada 4 kotak d samping itu), gimana cara editnya mbak ? atau, gimana cara masukin iklannya ? soalnya saya biasanya pake add html code via blogger. gmn y Mbak.. Makasih...

  109. Thanks. I love the template, very unique. Here's my blog - http://my-frugal-family.blogspot.com/search/label/Blog

    Any tips on how to get the navbar up higher?

  110. Sorry, proof reading might help... this is the link for my blog - http://my-frugal-family.blogspot.com

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. hi, cebong. saya suka dengan template anda. Hanya saja ketika saya membuat baris-baris puisi, pada tampilan awal blog terlihat tidak membentuk baris dan bait.jadinya kayak paragraf aja. gimana solusinya?

  113. absolutely LOVE this template but theres only one problem the "Older Posts & Newer Posts" links are hiding behind the main article posts, i cant seem to find out how to fix this. any help?

    thanks again for the layout.

  114. Mba, aku pake template ini dengan banyak perubahan. Tapi aku tetep nyantumin credit-nya kooo.
    Cool banget, keren templatenya, makanya terinspirasi buat bikin editannya. makasih yaaa mba.

  115. Hi there,
    I've downloaded this template yesterday and trying to customise for my needs. Unfortunately I don't have access to Header Button EDIT (Design - Page Elements). It's totally blocked by floating clouds and covered by them. Could do you advice me what to do? Thanx/

  116. Hi..i need a little help. I'm using this template and the (edit) sign and header couldn't be chg..
    May i know what is the problem?
    Can you teach me how to edit the header?

    This is my blog www.lazydasein.blogspot.com
    Thanks a bunch!

  117. [img]http://s1006.photobucket.com/albums/af184/wanggai_putra212/?action=view&current=180px-Common_carp.jpg[/img]

  118. hi everyone..you shoud remove the cloud script. do you want to do that?

  119. salam cebong, saya ade masalah sikit dgn templete ni... di bahagian menu..saya telah tambah menu ORDER FORM, tetapi apabila klik di menu order form tersebut... hanya keluar preview ttg order form.. order form sebenar tidak keluar...

  120. Hi, thanks for the cute template!


  121. assalamualaikum Cebong Ipiet.

    kenapa tarikh tak keluar?
    cuba lihat di mana2 entry sy,
    selari dgn tajuk entry sebelah kanan,
    ada semacam tulisan warna pink yg terselindung.
    apa itu? macam mana nak buang?

    terima kasih andai sudi menjawab.

    ur template is wonderful!


  122. love the template so much..keep it up..
    here are my blog..

  123. hi there! ;) thanks so much for this lovely blog template! love it! please feel free to visit my blog, since i've used them now as my template.

    amazing!! two thumbs up for you! xxxxx

  124. wwwoooowww..
    i love that template....

  125. I suggest this site to my friends so it could be useful & informative for them also. Great effort.

  126. Cebong, I love your template very much, thankssss, but i jz wonder whether i can take out the "advertise here" at the right hand side of the template? and can u teach u me how to do ? thanks in advance :)

  127. Hi cebong ipiet!I Love your Template! Thank You! I would like to have the full post on this 3 column flower garden template to show. I know you have a 2 column on garden template with full post available but I prefer using this 3 column but I havent been able to figure out how and what to remove from html code. Please help that's all I need to have the perfect template. Thank You!

  128. Hye.. this is amazing!! But i prefer 3 columns for my blog. Can i have 3 columns code please?
    THank you so much!

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  130. Flower garden blogger so nice and more interesting so that can be enjoy it in this post. Mostly people are very like it and enjoy it.

  131. templatenya bagus.... koleksi yg 4 column kpn nih?


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008