As I promise, here's xml file including setting instruction. More question you can email me.
Because of bandwidth exceeded, this script sometimes doesn't works.
Please download script used on this template here
download Sjquery.txt script
download slider.js script
download blogger comment.js script
upload it to your own hosting. Replace all script URL through Edit HTML with your script URL
Great...nice template
ReplyDeletemantab tuh nte,bikinin dunk..
ReplyDeletebong keren bong.. ijin sedooot :c:
ReplyDeletemo ambil script2nya
Bwah!! ikie ndek mana link donlodnya :d:
ReplyDeletewealah blom ada tooooh.., udah maen ijin sedat sedot aje *brb sedot ingus*
miss cebong ipiet is master of design :D
ReplyDeletetutorialnya jangan lupa :D
Great...!! Your themes design are perfect.
ReplyDeleteweeks.. lagi gila bikin template nigh :p
ReplyDelete@subagya:gw waras kaleeee, hayah, ituh mah template lama lama tinggal di upload aja xixixixi
ReplyDelete@once:thx vo visiting
@fuda:wekekkeke besok besok aja ah masih males
@baka kelana: thx
bedeh, sadis oi template na. minta dunk,wekekke
ReplyDeleteKalo lihat template yang dipasang dengan slide, aku jadi ingin pasang lagi nih....
ReplyDelete:), pasang apa ga yaa... :)
@cahaya:xixiixix ya tergantung, coba deh dipasangi slide trus diisi potonya ebong ipiet :f:
ReplyDelete@bang herro:sadis hikz :a:
dua jempol buat template ini, bong! keren!
ReplyDeletekene photo mu bong..., tak pasange nang slede-ku.
ReplyDeleteTapi, fungsine gawe opo??
wingi tak coba gawe ngusir nyamuk, yo podo ae... ga ilang nyamuk'e iku...
Bong... kowe kok ga turu...turu seh ....
ReplyDeletewes bengi ngene, ndelok monitor ae....
(monitor PC, opo Laptop, opo HP ????)
(cebong reply = "urusanku aaaa")
Biasane, nek modele koyok kowe, gawe quadrant opo yooo...?? mboh.... ga ngerti...
wew... ditunggu nih, uplod xml nya... :D
super nice template.. i can't wait for the code. I plan to use it for my http://fave-tv.blogspot.com blog.. i hope you can lend some help in the installation..thanks a lot..
ReplyDeleteaduh....aku tak pandai....macam mana nak download and guna templet nih....
ReplyDeletejust trying your adorable little cartoon characters..
wii jago design template juga yak :h: keren... mau dung belajar sama suhu. Btw, Evy baru bikin template tema palestine, kasih masukan dung
ReplyDeletebaguuuuus bgt ... !!
ReplyDeleteaku donlot ahh :k:
weleh weleh bong, itu ada orang malaisya juga blong..
ReplyDelete(ech bong gituh maksudnya..)
@rampadan: heuheuehue lah kebanyakan emg orang walondo
ReplyDelete@rimz kawai:silahkan
@evyta:baru belajar mbak, saya ngga bisa basa pemrograman sama sekali :m:
@pinay:it's so cute i think, i've uploaded xml :h:
@mcrispy: kirim ayam crispy saja buat saya
@neilhoja: udah
@cahaya:wekekekkee masalah nya ndak pny otak gmn
mbak bong, plis beri nilai template saya dong???
ReplyDeleteya ya ya.......???
anyar..neh iki? jian produktif bangt gawe anak ...eit... sorri gawe template
ReplyDelete@pingin gawe anak: wkekkekwke ono ono ae
ReplyDelete@sahabat bumi:meluncuur
salutos cokolatos... deh ama ipiet, eh ini ijo yah bukan coklat, dah rabun saya, abiz ijo sih, mata saya jadi ijo juga.
ReplyDeleteso interesting and exiting slide, i will consider to use it...
waah templatrnya keren,
ReplyDeleteBong... yg ini muantep banget bong... muantep bong...
ReplyDeleteada tutorialnya juga lagi.....
ahahahahha... ebong emang mantep bgt deh akh......
keren deh...
ReplyDeletetop markotop
gut marsogut
sip markusip
jos mak nyos..
keren mas, template nya, numpang dolot yach
ReplyDeletekeren mas, template nya, numpang donlot yach
ReplyDeleteI tried putting images in the slide but the slider effect is not working what maybe the problem. Please Help me.
Hi, I tried putting image in the slider, but the slider effect is not working properly. what can be the problem. Please help. my blog address is
Please do reply....
@piyush:script bandwidth is exceeded...be patient :)
ReplyDelete@serafim : Because of bandwidth exceeded, this script sometimes doesn't works.
ReplyDeletePlease download script used on this template here
read my post, there's script download link
it downloads as an rar file ext that i cant open. how can i just get xml
ReplyDelete@cush: dont you have winzip or winrar?
ReplyDeleteshould extract it
Hi. I would like to remove the featured slide bit. can u please teach me how to do it? Thank you.
ReplyDeletetian x
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