Jan 29, 2009

Blogger Template : Zinmag Forex Press V 1.0

Another professional theme is released, Forex Press V 1.0. Three column magazine style template adopted from wordpress theme and converted to blogger template by Cahaya Biru. This template has magazine look with featured post at the slide show and mainpost inline style.

At the sidebar, you can arrange and simplify widget using tabbed menu. As the name, Forex express has forex converter. We can choose currency that will be converted. Another featured is TV. This element can be replaced by video or another online media. This Forex Express Template suitable for business and money blog, embedded with advertising element containing 125x125 banner ads.

Click next link to go to converter blog and download it freely [link]


  1. realy cool, man...

  2. heheh... Thank You Ms. Cebong....
    I appreciate your writing so much.... :)

  3. @Cahaya :keep on great work bro

  4. gmana sih cara buat template...kayak kamu

  5. @kotabengke:ya belajar sedikit edit HTML langsung saja dari layout nya blogger, trial error dl...

  6. nek trial tapi gak error enek gak bong..
    aku yo pengen blajar gawa template..
    les private piro bong?

  7. gila lu..buat template keren kayak gini. salut bener

  8. @dewa:wew masih waras kok

  9. Bong, are you ready for Zinmag GameZine...???
    Free For You...

    But, I don't think it's free for anyone else ...
    only 8 bucks, cheaper 2 bucks than tmwww...(bla, bla)

    Just because you are so kind to my cousin. Now, she is one of the nominator in Kompas Competition...:) and being invited to attend the awarding day in Senayan Jakarta tomorrow...

    She is "Sahabat Bumi..."
    heheh... and sometime, I leave comments in this lovely blog with her ID... :-p

    please visit the address below to see gamezine demo...


    If you are interested with it, leave a comment to my blog,
    and I will send the xml file straight to your mail....

    :) :) :D :D

  10. waw gamezine...I know that.. you know what, maybe just a couple next day, alva will convert it for free huhuhuhu. :p I know that's you, congrats for your cousin, sorry for my so tweety comment...the connection is slow like a snail T_T waiting at midnight, hope a miracle will happen

  11. aq suka bahasa inggrisnya karena aq kagak ngerti...

  12. waduh... kalo alva convert dan dibagi free....
    Yaa....akan ku rilis sebelum dia aja....

    Tapi, Keto'ane alva ga convert gamezine bong. wingi aku ndelok, jawaban komentare, dia ajange convert FERVEN REMIX, bukan gamezine...

    Btw, Aku ngedol template gawe tambahan nabung duit, ajange tuku laptop. Maklum, PC/komputer iki aku nyelang terus...

    kon sek gelem dikirim gratis...???

    tapi, bong, please, ojok dibagi-bagi disik yooo..... :)....


  13. @cahaya biru:halah mari inggrisan malah jowoan kekekekkeke, iyoh kirim nang imelku ae ya , iku deloken ning contact menu nduwur iku loh. Gamezine pastine sebentar lgi hhehhehehe, gek ndang dirilis xixixix, aku menunggu instruksimu. ya bgni saja, menerima order convert $10, trus nek template e free nek njaluk nyetting dll dsb njaluk biaya $5 xixixiixi

    @katobengke:hhehehehe dari makasar y

  14. Bong, kon wes moco tulisane jaloe sing anyar? waduh, aku kesindir bong....

    soale wingi tak guyoni titik lewat read more liberal kuwi... :).

    btw, terima kasih sarannya... aku nanti buat gitu aja wes...

  15. sudah dung tp aq tdk mudeng kedua2nya kikikikik

  16. sik .... ada forum wong jowo nang kene huehuehueheue.. kabooor

  17. Hmm, ada perang template magz yah sekarang. Setiap template maker rebutan buat ngerilis template. Wkwkwk. Ane ikutan perang ato ga ya bong?

  18. @btheme:wekkekekek ya seterah, kan diriku sebagai cuman publisher :P, sudahlah kan senasib

  19. Wekeke. Always be yourself is a good think to create an unique theme. Ya ga hani bani bong.

  20. @btheme:hayah, nemu panggilan dari mana ntuh? sudahlah tidak usah memuji dirikyu gitcuuuh xixixixixixix

  21. Bong, tmwwtw iku wong malaysia....kon wes turu taaa.........???

    yo wes, turu ooo ae....
    tangi sing isuk langsung adus.....

    wekekekek .....:)

  22. i dont want to use minipost... please help me...

  23. http://tambirblog.blogspot.com/

  24. @dropofblood:contact the author please :)

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