Jan 28, 2009

Subscribe RSS Feeds

What is feeds?

Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers

What is the benefit?
FeedBurner makes it easy to receive content updates in My Yahoo!, Newsgator, Bloglines, and other news readers

This Mean
It easy to keep track of my blog contents, without having to remember to check my blog manually. You will receive my latest post update regularly through email or news reader

How to
You can subscribe RSS feeds by clicking this subscribe link or entering your email to receive update on your inbox

Click Here to Subscribe in Your Reader

Enter your email address to see the latest post

Delivered by FeedBurner

A big thanks for staying update. Im a newbie in blogging world, in the learning process, especially on creating blogger template. Any feedback, question, complain, send to my email. Hope we will solve the problem together.


  1. At last, I am the first....

  2. its easy as it explained...

  3. I have uploded the file, you can download it start now

  4. Btw,... at the moment, I'm still baby blog, (1 months...)
    I could not understand the article...hahahah...



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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008