Dominated with brown and yellow color, this is a neutral template design, both for boy or girl baby.
Cutie Baby Blogger template, cute template for you.
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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008
Sooo cutee mbaaakkk ... aku download yg inih sama yg fashionholic yah ...
ReplyDeleteIhik gak sabar lihat hasilnya.
#Langsung ngacir, Ngedit HTML :)
Baby blogger template so nice and more fantastic tam plat in the post has been published the different types template show that can be know that regarding post.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo nice and more interesting cute baby blogger. It is enjoyable that can be know that regarding post. Those people are very like it .
ReplyDeleteMost of the time people are very like it in this cutie baby blogger and enjoy it in this blog so lovely .
ReplyDeleteBaby blogger template is a great gift for your mom. That's a nice template. People feels a special feeling for their kids and like to share their activities. And this is a great platform for them.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know how to install to my blog? I not understand:(
ReplyDeletembak ipie, saya udah install dan bagus banget, very like it!
ReplyDeleteini blogku:
trus tadinya tulisan pagenya ada di green tab diatas tuh mba..dibawahnya header
tapi gak ngerti gimana tiba2 ada dibawahnya, padahal udah disetting SHOW PAGES AS TOP TABS
cara balikin ke green tabnya lagi gimana ya mba
mohon bantuannya makasihhh
mba, skrg aku malah gak bisa install lagi templatenya....ada error:
ReplyDeleteWe were unable to save your template.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message:
(SyntaxError) stack: aWc([object Object],"
udah direvert to classic template dan coba ulang upload tetep gak
ReplyDeleteI am reaching out to you because I downloaded this template to my blogger and my posts are showing on the left side. I've tried over and over again to re-load it but it's not appearing the way it shows on your image. Please help! My blog is Thanks.
cara masangin template ini gimana ya?
ReplyDeletembak ak ijin download ya...
ReplyDeleteterimakasih banyakk.....
cutie baby blogger template