Dec 20, 2011

How to Use Template on Blogger New Templates Format?

How to Use/Upload Template on Blogger New Templates Format? Yesterday, my friend ask me about it. She lil bit confuse with new Blogger format, and can't find an ordinary upload XML file button.

 Actually, I still like and use the old format. Simple and user friendly, IMHO.

Before you upload XML template file, ensure you have downloaded it. You can check my all cute template on this blog, then click on download link to get XML file.

Now I will show you the step how to upload XML file on new Blogger format.

Step 1: Login to your Blogger dashboard, and choose the blog you will edit. Click on Blog Title. For example, see on picture below, the orange color, Gadgetholic blog.

Step 2: Click on Left Menu, Template. Then, click on Backup/Restore button, on the right top window.

Step 3 : There's popup window, then click on Choose File button, and select XML file you want to upload. Now you get a new look design.


  1. I have enjoyed a lot by reading your blog. Really good to read. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I really like the overall look of your blog, Thanks for sharing.

  3. same like u..i still like to use the old format. The new one is little bit confusing. thanks for this tutorial. ur articles always help me a lot..

  4. thanks for info but i need more info(s) so can u place a search box on your site to make it easy for people..

  5. thank you, very helpful at all for me is still new blogging

  6. To use Template on Blogger is a great option but it was hard to know the process. That's a useful information shared here. That's great to find such information.

  7. can i edit your blog template?

  8. yes, but please keep intact link on footer. thx

  9. Define the different types template so that can be used and know about it in this template so grateful post shared on the site.

  10. thanks for sharing, im still use the old one, i think i should use the new option.

  11. Thnx for sharing the information bro

  12. Template blogger is very nice and more interesting blogger so that can be enjoy it in this blogger. Mostly people are very like it.

  13. In this template so nice and more interesting so that can be enjoy it in this template. Mostly people are very interesting blogger.

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  15. Thank you very much for sharing this kind of useful information.

  16. hello.... i am a newly blogger, and this site is very useful for me.. thanks a lot...

  17. Hello i am of brazil and I not understand. Help!!!

  18. Hi ipietoon..
    The theme that you created is great.
    However, I would like to ask permission to change a bit of the template that you created. For the header image, I wanna change it into an image of my idols ;) Can I do that? Without removing you from the real maker of template.

    Thank you in advance.

  19. kalau saya setiap dicoba selalu ada bacaan ini
    Kami tidak dapat menyimpan template Anda.
    Template Anda tidak dapat diuraikan karena template tidak terbentuk dengan baik. Pastikan semua elemen XML ditutup dengan benar. pesan kesalahan XML:
    (SyntaxError) : Unexpected token <
    kira2 kenapa ya??

    1. halo nina :D
      mau sekedar sharing :)
      file template yang masih berupa zip nya di extract dulu, habis itu pilih nya file dengan format XML (yang tadi udah di extract).
      semoga membantu :)

  20. kok aku nggak ketemu tulisan download ya? Jadi bingung :(

  21. cara mendownloadnya bagaimana ya?

  22. thanks for sharing ^^ done use template in my blog :)

  23. it's really help me..thanks very much :)

  24. bikinnya pakek scarpnook kan ya?trus kalo udah bkin simpan file dari scrapnook jadi file xml gimana ya?

  25. aku udah coba unggah tapi gak jadi..gmna cranya?

  26. How to change the header picture. I want to change for my shop online, cause it looks not good for my item

  27. How to download your templates pleaseeeee-____________________________-

  28. Really helpful. Thank youuu:)

  29. thanks for you information :D nice .. (y)

  30. i already use the xml as the format but why it can't uploaded as the new template? care to share the info please thank you

  31. Kami tidak dapat menyimpan template Anda.
    Template Anda tidak dapat diuraikan karena template tidak terbentuk dengan baik. Pastikan semua elemen XML ditutup dengan benar. pesan kesalahan XML:
    (SyntaxError) : Unexpected token

    itu gimana caranya ya?


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008