Look at all cutes cake and cupcake graphics on header, post, sidebar, and footer, that really describe Puan Cake business. I also add woman graphic on header to represent the owner.
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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008
Define the different types template so that can be used and know about it in this template so grateful post shared on the site.
ReplyDeleteWow!! I didnt know u'll make for people!! Can i request one too?? A template for boyish type of girl..but at the same time you can see its belong to a girl..=P a combination of dark purple, light green and maybe blue? hahaha
ReplyDeletePesan cake template so nice and more fantastic cake so that can be know that and enjoy it in this very grateful and more fantastic site that can be more enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteVERY LOVED..... .. xD
ReplyDeletereally awsome template... website design perth
ReplyDeletehi ipie toon, mau tanya klo mau buat design utk blog brapa harganya? bole kirim email ke jessica-jap@hotmail.com ? thanksss.
ReplyDeletemampir juga dong ke blog saya...
ReplyDeletesalam jabat earrat kawan...
ReplyDeletemau donk di Buatin 1 Template , tapi seo frendly Yaa... berapa harganya?
ReplyDeletemau tny dong..kalo buat blog harga brp YA?tlg diemail ke mataharicake@gmail.com ya...thanks
ReplyDeleteThis is very enjoyable and interesting day because in this cake has been design so nice and more interesting so that can be enjoy it in this site. Mostly people are very like it and enjoy it in this cake .