Jun 11, 2011

Customize Favicon Blogger Feature

I have ever posted about how to create favicon on your blog. It's long time ago, when we did it manually. A litle bit hack on your blog code. For most blogger, having favicon is like blog identity. It reprensent your blog talking about.

A good news come from Blogger. Now you can add a custom favicon from the Design | Page Elements tab (or, from the Layout tab if you're using the new user interface), by clicking Edit on the new “Favicon” setting above the navbar element. This is still draft/beta testing feature so you have to access your blog from http://draft.blogger.com

A new window will then open where you can select an image from your hard drive to replace the default favicon image. This initial launch only supports .ico files, but you can easily convert your JPEG, PNG, or other non-ico image file using your own image software. There are also many conversion tools online, and a quick Google Search brings up a handful of options such as http://www.icoconverter.com/. Wish for the final version, it will be available on blogger dashboard and support all image file type.

When you save your template changes, you’ll see your newly-added favicon image displayed in your browser window or tab.

That’s it your blog favicon


  1. Not working.No change occur.Can you help me?

  2. is it appear after i install your template?

  3. it is blogger feature. it doesn't depend on your template

  4. hi thanks.


  5. i cant find the favicon in the design page. where is it?

  6. I am very much interested in these types of topics and it's my habit to read this. thanks for sharing..

  7. i can't upload picture. they only allow .ico files. don't have converter on my machine need to download first before i can activate this feature.

  8. I want to know why favicon is necessary? Can anyone explain me? Thanks.

  9. Great tips here. It is all about hooking your reader and keeping them there. Unlike what they taught you in grade school you definitely want to front-load and lead with your best stuff. It is all writing to attract.

  10. Can anyone explain needs and benefits of FavIcon? I would like to have brief introduction on same. Thanks.

  11. Great post.. would also like to know how to submit an article. This is an excellent comprehensive guide but its like a few smaller ones with more focus that go into detail about individual campaign aspects!

  12. Thanks for the tutorial I didn't know how customize that kind of icon. Thanks to that I will make own for my blog.

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  14. tapi susah nyari gambar yg bujur sangkar!-_-

  15. Kang Taro to Raisya: you can make microsoft picture to edit your choosen.. or the other..

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  18. Customize favicon blogger so nice and more fantastic blogger so that can be enjoy it and used also.

  19. It is very interesting blogger and more interesting blogger that can be know that and enjoy it.

  20. Customize favicon blogger so nice and more interesting blogger so that can be enjoy it in this blogger and fantastic site so that enjoy it in this blog.

  21. Favicon blogger template so very nice and interesting blogger so that can be enjoy it in this blogger.This is very interesting site and blogger also.

  22. Mba Ipiet, aku uda coba convert dr file jpeg ke ico tp msh ga bs juga. gambar bujur sangkar yg gimana sih?

    1. nggak harus .ico file nya yang penting ukuran gambarnya antara lebar dan tinggi sama, misal 20x20


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