Mar 5, 2009

Green Scrapbook Diary

Do you love scrapbooking? Looking for scrapbook template for your blog? I guess this is your right template. Green Scrapbook Diary wordpress theme is designed by Kathie and Andrew from Simply WP . I just convert it to blogger and make a lil bit customization. Kathie & Andrew have spent many time to make it free, keep intact their credit footer.

No complicated setting. To edit navigation bar menu, go to page element, edit link list at top bar.



  1. Bong, nek aku gawe singkatan CB, keren gak...??!!
    CB Sphere. bagaimana??

    yang pasti, CB itu bukan CeBong... hahahah...wekekeke...


    btw, is one of the best template publisher. My page view is restored and increase ...

  2. lagi, ide kamu kemarin, uuuaaaasli cuuuueeeerdaaaas... suuuiiiiiip...
    kupakai...matur suwun...

    nanti ada 2 scarlett, premium service dan free.
    bedanya, trletak pada tampilan page element+guide. Satu well organized dan yang satu tidak.
    begitulah kira-kira... :)..

    yah, yang premium 5-6 dollar aja. lumayan, itu mungkin buat tabungan dan beli softdrink air karbonasi 1,5 liter, 4 botol. heheheh....

    nanti kukirim yang premium kalo udah jadi tulisannya...buatmu gratis... :)

    pokoknya suuiiip...:)

  3. harusnya bikin milis juga bong...

  4. @kang sury:forum aja mungkin
    @cahaya:begh begh kok baru nyadar kalo diriku cerdas wkekwkekwkekwkew...ditunggu kirimannya

  5. wow hanya bisa memandang sebuah kecerdasan.....sampean mudah mudahan nular yaaa

  6. Salam, can you make colourfull template that suitable for girls. I;ve been using your previous template and I kept searching for new template from you.

  7. @murni:what template you like? can you describe it?
    @berpikir dan berjiwa besar: hehehe itu cuman becanda

  8. ni templatenya untuk kaum blog atau wordpress....
    apa ku bsa akses yah...

  9. @katobengke:design nya wordpress kalo yg ini sudah di convert ke blogspot

  10. ooiikk...aku suka yang iniihhh.....
    bln dpn ganti deh heheheheh....

  11. Wew, I Place This Template In Thanks,....

  12. pokoke nek sing nggawe cebong.. abah cuma bisa bilang Oke sip dah bags banget te o pe be ge te...

  13. @ndop:wekwkekkekw
    @template4shared: with the reminder you have to put author link
    @linda:hehehe kan uda bagus tuh pny mbak linda

  14. can u teach me how to download all this template?

  15. great template but why does about me and archives move to the bottom after downloading

  16. @phoenix: not sure, i've tested it and it works properly

  17. waahh keren bangett templatenya, izin download and pake yaa...
    *smoga sempet sesegeranya memajangnya* :)

  18. hi, love this template and i've used it in my blog -- but the date is not coming up, just the time, which is confusing... any idea how to fix this?

  19. makasi ya templatenya,, aku donlud nih
    mint aizinnya zya

  20. hey..nice skin!i wanna use this skin 2 my blog

  21. kerenn nih. aku donlod akh. kapan2 mo ganti kayak gini. he he he...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. How do you download this? It doesn't seem to work on my computer. Here's what I did (oh and btw, I have a mac)

    clicked on download, next to preview, next to the template, then got to a new page that had a button "Download" and said how many megabits or whatever they measure it in it was. So I clicked that, then something popped up on my computer saying it was an unauthorized something since it was from the internet, I forget exactly how it worded it...and then it asked if I still wanted to open it. I clicked "open" and then a blankish page popped up-it had home, then the email icon thing on the upper left hand corner and that was it.

    Then, I saved it in my hard drive, went to, edit layout, edit html. I clicked choose file, chose this layout that was saved in my hard drive, then clicked "upload". Then blogger said something in red, like it couldn't save it because it wasn't put in code properly, something like that.

    I just don't know what I did wrong...

    Can you please email me a step-by-step simple tutorial? Thanks!


    P.S. My email is

  24. There is a thing I have noticed with the Green Scrapbook Diary template: the header image, even though when its dimension are set properly (i.e. width/height), gets slightly enlarged (from 100% to about 102%) when publishing the site. How come? The same happens with the background images for the sidebar section headers and, as far as I could see, the divider image.

    It's barely noticable, but enough to be pretty annoying, especially when you want to customize the template a bit further.

  25. @anonym:thanks, but i never face the problem, unfortunately, you didnt leave your url so i can check it

  26. thanks . make my blog better.

  27. how to used? i don't understand.
    bagaimana cara memakainya? saya tidak mengerti.

  28. lucuuu bgttt..boleh izin copy m izin pake yaa.. ^^
    oia,salam kenal yaa...

  29. Thank you very much for the template,.. I like this template very much, the green color is my fav.

  30. Hi, I'm Loving the template I’m using it (well helping my mum to use it) and it’s all working great but I just want to add options at the bottom for “older posts” and “newer posts”. When I looked in the code there seems to be something there that would make it function, but I don’t know how to modify it to get it working. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

  31. hi i think you're downloading previous code, please re download the new one. But if it still doesn't work, please follow this step

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  33. I was looking for scrapbook diary blog templates indeed and particularly in green color, so this is so great for me, many many thanks for this!!

  34. Published the green scrapbook dairy so nice and more interesting post scrap book so that can be enjoyment due to post.


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