Mar 7, 2009

Automatic Thumbnail and Readmore Function

Readmore function is used to cut our post on homepage, post will appear fully when we click readmore link. You can see my post on homepage. It's cut automatically and if we insert image, it appears thumbnail. This is automatic readmore function with thumbnail. We just need to set up our HTML code. How to?

1. Go to "Layout" click "Edit HTML"
2. Tick on "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Find </head> code
4. Insert this javascript under </head> code

<script type='text/javascript'>var thumbnail_mode = &quot;no-float&quot; ;
summary_noimg = 430;
summary_img = 340;
img_thumb_height = 100;
img_thumb_width = 120;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Note :

You can cutomize this size

summary_noimg = 430; is post cut height without image
summary_img = 340; is post cut height with image
img_thumb_height = 100; is thumbnail image height
img_thumb_width = 120; is thumbnail image width

5. Find this code


6. Replace with this code below

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;);</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'><a expr:href='data:post.url'> read more &#8220;<data:post.title/>&#8221;</a></span>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

7. Save

Now you can try to post and it cut automatically.

Note :

Please save javascript , here's the URL,, upload to your own filehosting. I can't guarantee if my bandwidth exceeded :D

or download readmore-otomatis-script here

After upload script to your own hosting, replace to your own URL javascript
Source : Kang Jaloee Punya


  1. thank you for this post! =) i tried doing the above steps but it seems i have to impose again XD i can't find the code: [data:post.body/] =( help? *used the alt+f on firefox and there was no code on it*

    also, what would be the ideal filehost that i can use to upload the javascript? ideally a free one?

    i really appreciate that you always help us n00bs whenever we run on problems =)

  2. @animanga: don't miss this step Tick on "Expand Widget Templates"

  3. @anima:do you have googlepages account?

  4. Itulah bong, yang kumaksud dengan Blogger Wedok. Mereka ga neko-neko...
    Expand widget aja belum di checked...:)
    ketika mbaca ini, aku langsung gemes...:)

    Benar katamu, karena ga neko-neko, mereka ga akan pernah merubah footer link credit. Kuamati, Footer creditmu selalu keep intact di setiap templatemu yang dipakai.

    Ini Beda ama pasienku... yang laki-laki, lucu-lucu... dan sering ngeselin...
    Masa', aku sudah 10 kali lebih ketemu orang pake template gubahanku dan mereka mengganti footer credit ... minimal dihapus...
    setelah lihat itu, bibirku muncung kedepan... kesel aku. uwaaaa... uwaaa...

    Tapi, yo wes lah... no problem...nasib...nasib
    emang ini ujian bagi para converter template.

    Aku juga akan rilis template feminin...
    keuntungannya jelas... footer credit selalu utuh
    hem ... heheheheh... ini bisa ningkatin rank. :).... :)

    viva template wedok... :)...

    wekekekek...... :)

  5. @cahaya biru:wkakakakakkaka ngakak aku moco komenmu gyagayagyagaya....doh wetengku loro..HoOh udah diobrak abrok total tetep nyantol xixixiixix

  6. "Expand Widget Templates" - i see. got it working

    about googlepages... i don't have one... and it seems it was already closed by google.. i do have an account for will that do?

  7. @animanga: yess is a new version of googlepages.. but i've never use that.. it's okey, you can use that script now..I'll ask my friend how to upload to ;)
    it's work now? great...

  8. Hm, nice tutorial!

  9. wee thanks, this is what i need.

  10. @annamonique: :) try it anna...thanks for visiting again
    @kang dede:nice like me

  11. mba ebong ..
    ng ...
    ng ...
    ng ...

    bahasa indonesiain .. :D

  12. weh salut euyyy udah mulai pake basa londo.. :D

    keep up the good work bonggggg :D

  13. walah.. ra mudheng aq..

  14. @ariefdj: --'
    @om Nara:wkekwkew berhubung ada yg nanya y di jawab

  15. gmn caranya membuat 1 kolom di bawah 2 kolom sidebar yang tersedia?
    makasih en salam kenal....

    blognya anteb!!!

  16. @genial:bisa dilihat di tutorial :) ada banyak penjelasan hacking di sana atau

  17. wah, manteb sekali bong

  18. Not working for me!

  19. @suryaden:hayah
    @me:dont know your url

  20. lah, mbak ebong crito opo to, nang nduwur iku?

  21. critanya koq gitu yah...

  22. Wah, gitu ternyata caranya..!
    nice share gan.. :D blognya keren..

  23. I love the fact that you continually help people with the use of your templates! Yours is the first one that I actually put onto my site that worked - and the instructions were easy to follow.

    I actually like Wordpress better than blogger, but wordpress is way too much drama and not very user friendly.

    Question, though - if you look at my page:, you'll see that the "read more" link is there, however, it shows up at the end of the post, which defeats the purpose.

    I'd like to have a certain amount of text show in addition to the pictures and videos on the main page while if more than say... anything more than 600 characters will be followed by the "read more" link.

    I tried changing the numbers in the HTML code provided, but it still shows the entire post and shows the "read more" link at the bottom, but by the time you actually GET to the read more link - there is nothing left to read.


  24. @pearl: i've seen your code, looks like you still using my host

    Please save javascript , here's the URL,, upload to your own filehosting. I can't guarantee if my bandwidth exceeded :D

    if bandwidth exceeded readmore function won't works properly

    i've gave download link. Download the script and then upload to your own hosting

  25. Its Great Hack Thanks For Sharing With us I will Soon Do A Post For This On My Blog. It Saves Times And Makes Our Blog Looking Cool. A Little Afford to Setup it given My Blog A Great Look. Keep it up.

  26. kalau xnak ade read more function macamana? tutorial ni untuk wujudkan readmore function kan..

  27. @khazinatul: dihilangkan saja apa yg ditambahkan ketika membuat readmore, i can't write code on comment.

  28. i have the same problem as @pearl's. the whole post is still showing.

    but i have uploaded it to my own hosting. heeeeelp!!

  29. Please! mbak Cebong. Aku baru belajar bikin blog, bisa diliat di Aku coba praktekkan {automatic readmore function with thumbnail} seperti panduan mbak. Tapi kok gagal??? gimana nih, bantu ya...:)

  30. @cekyan: script nya jgn makek yg itu. hosting ku udah overload, exceeded. Tuh kan udah aku kasi catatan

    Note :

    Please save javascript , here's the URL,, upload to your own filehosting. I can't guarantee if my bandwidth exceeded :D

    or download readmore-otomatis-script here
    After upload script to your own hosting, replace to your own URL javascript

  31. Makasih mbak :) maklum masih pemula

  32. Sock and only sock

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Hi Cebong Ipiet,

    How did you manage to put a box or border around the HTML code you have shown in this post. I tried to search for that on the internet but could not find anywhere. Can you please give me the code for that. You may write to me at
    Thanks in advance.

  35. about changing the automatic read more link to full post? can you help me??

  36. @aravind:
    define on your css, for this HTML code background, for example

    border:1px solid #000;

    then when you post HTML code
    put <div class='code'>YOUR HTML CODE</div>

  37. Well, all works, but text formatting in summary is missing... How can I take summary with text (html) formatting? Thank you!

  38. @atomic: script just read text :) any formatting won't effect

  39. hi. i really liked most of ur posts, straight into my favs however, dis is not working as it shows the whole post n den the read more link???
    downloaded dat file...nw wt to do???
    help me

  40. Please save javascript , here's the URL,, upload to your own filehosting. I can't guarantee if my bandwidth exceeded :D

    or download readmore-otomatis-script here
    After upload script to your own hosting, replace to your own URL javascript

    upload it to your own hosting
    you can regist on

  41. hey nw i got it!! it worked...thanx!
    nw jst need some help in changing my blogs template as i tried ur stuff but still some errors n all!! visit me at
    i hope u vl luv it!!

  42. wah jan.. bloge cebong terkenal.. xixixi, nomer loro nek nggo automatic readmore. :D

  43. Bandwithnya dah Exceeded tuh kk Cebong

    bisa minta script js nya?

    kirim via email?

    thx sebelumnya

  44. @fazz: itu ada link di bawahnya
    klik ajah

  45. complicated enough for blogspot but I like blogspot

  46. i cant find the "[data:post.body/]" ! i already tick the Expand Widget Templates. But really i cant find it. Please Help me. :(

  47. thank you this is very useful, i have installed it on my blog
    But the big problem that all read more widget cause is, preventing blogger page to be shown,

    i have add a "guest book" and "sitemap" in a page to my blog, but the read more widget prevent them to appear,
    see this link to understand

    how can i stop the "readmore widget" to not work in "pages" .?

  48. yes... this is dillema.. you should decide it :)

  49. Hi Cebong Ipiet...!
    Nice to have your blogpost on my bookmark.It's very instructive i.e you 'read more' post.I've clipped it onto my blog as well.I'm sorry as no permission requested prior to this.Hope you don't mind.Thanks again.

  50. thank you very much!
    it works perfekt!
    i am john from Greece

  51. Weleh...weleh...weleh... tuturial and jvscriptnya top abis. Thanks. Nih buktinya:

  52. Yeah...thank's a lot tips...It''s work

  53. kok gak ada kode itu di htmlku...jadi sampe skrg gak bs buat read more......

  54. it's v. gooooooooooood

    but how can i fix the problem in for the pages

    plz help

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  56. How can I see full page contents? When I have click on continue reading in newly created page that will not shows any contents, pls help me.

  57. mbak... saya sudah aplod js nya.. tp gak jalan readmorenya ya?!??! saya baca di centrangan Expand Widget Templates itu ada tulisan readmore sampe dua kali... apa itu salah...

    soalnya saya ganti (menimpa langsung) kode [data:post.body/] dengan
    kode di kotak k2 yg banyak di perintahnya mbaknya :(

  58. oooooooooooohh ternyata saya salang 'nimpa'nya mbak... harusnya yg k2 ya yg diganti... sudah beres mbak... makasih ya buat template cantiknya :)

  59. After upload script to your own hosting, replace to your own URL javascript---->>> berarti ni blm pasti y ms.kalo bikin readmore manual caranya gmn mas.....thx

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