Mar 2, 2009

Simplicity 4 Column

Simplicity 4 Column Blogger Template, have 4 column at mainpage and become 3 column when you click the post. Simple, have no many image, do not worry about heavy loading. From Minima Template, default blogger template and converted to 4 column by Kang Jaloee. I just make a lil bit customization ;) , thanks for not removing credit footer. This template is suitable for news blog, you can put feed, blog list, on sidebar, just like news portal.
Here's the screenshoot.

[preview] | [download]


  1. petamax nieh.,.,.

    aq lbh seneng pake yg 3 coloum.,.,.,

    ky'y pas di layar.,.,.

  2. @aziz:iyah ini bwt portal brita..:D kl personal g bgtu pas..xixix udah pas di layar kok 960px

  3. hehehe mungkin maksud na kalau di tampilin di resolusi 800x600 px .. mba che

  4. @kang jaloee:wkekwkekw iya kali kang...waduuh kebiasaan pke 960 si

  5. best blogger template ever made!!!!!!!! truly news blog!!

  6. @shivam:thanks shivam for visiting, you also can customize bottom element, become 4 column

  7. I've seen and tested over hundreds of templates but this one I must say is truly the No 1. Thanks to you.

  8. @alert: wow i've seen your blog, great customization :) thanks for visiting and using...happy blogging

  9. Hi Cebong, I have a request. When viewing this template in IE it gies a funny menu bar. CAn you solve this please. I am testing it at

    Thanks in advance.

  10. yang ini keren nih...

  11. @alert:you mean search form is going under? what browser you're using? internet explorer? Let me check it, and replace it

  12. @alert:i've fixed it...what's your email..i'll send you new xml..

  13. Hi Cebong, You are right. The Search button is coming down in IE. It works fine with Firefox.

    You are so quick! Thanks a ton. My mail is I'll be expecting. I'm tryout at

    Thanks once again.

  14. Hi Cebong, I got your prompt help,i mean the new template on my mail. Thanks to you, it's now looking good in IE also. I'll be using it shortly... I have one more question regarding the post area. Can we have a fixed length and width post box area like the ones . If yes, can you please guideor mail me on how to go about.


  15. @alert:you can read this tutorial, it's posted by kang jaloe, check your credit footer, hehe he is

  16. Hi Cebong, Thanks for the mail and the help. I followed the steps as you have instructed in the link above. But I'm getting different results.
    1. The picture stretches beyond the width size i gave.

    2. The script sometimes works showing the height determined and sometimes it still shows the full post.

    3. Is there any way on how to put HOME (in the menu bar) right on the left corner. I mean inline with the logo. The empty space doesn't look good.


  17. @alert:

    1.Edit on width and height readmore css. Or learn how to make minipost like the first template you used

    2. you have to upload javascript on your ownhosting.I can't guarantee if you're using my googlepages :D usual problem , bandwidth axceeded.

    3. edit margin and padding of menu..

    i can't do that this week..still busy with my offline work

  18. Hi Cebong,I have found a way to do it. It's from Kang Rohman. But,like you i'm bit busy now so will work on it later to make this template truly news magazine.


  19. @alert:great oic Kang Rohman, waiting for your template looks

  20. cara ngubah tampilanya gimana mbak? soalnya pak soewoeng ngak mau ngubahkan tampilan blogku.... terus disuruh tanya sapimoto... sedang saya ngak kenal sapi moto bu... bisa membantu?

  21. @bri:ck ck ck aku ra kuat iman nek dikon ngajari wkwkwkwkwk tidak sesabar kang sapimoto

  22. Hi Cebong, Finally decided to use it here I'll be needing your help in the near future. Thanks

  23. Not exactly new...but i've raised it from the graveyard again :) Can you notice something is worng with the automatic post height and below the comment box...there is too much space between the posts. Any solutions for this?

  24. @alert: just edit on .post section margin, make it 0em

  25. Hi Cebong,tried but failed again. I'm struggling...Can u pls check it on IE it even says You are not allowed to view this ... ANd in Firefox the space between the posts remains same. I like this template...but... :) unless u give a final touch like auto post box and solve the space ... might have to lokk for something again.

    Now the Navigation problem has been solved and nolonger does it look out of place...That's good news. I'm looking 4ward to ur relpy.


  26. Prob solved! However,,,, the adsense in the top right header comes down in IE. How to solve this? Hope u have time for this.. Thanks

  27. @alert: divide header become two section, header right and left, try copy from another template..

  28. That template beauty

    Thanks share

  29. Format post tidak aktif, seperti ul sama ol atau blod. Gimana cara mengaktifkannya?

  30. terima kasih dan saya gunakan di Info Lowongan Kerja tapi itu tadi post list tidak aktif. Gimana cara mengaktifkan

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