This is my own blogger template. Suitable for personal blog. This template so simple. There's no many image so this template will load faster.

Make some adjustment. Go to Setting>Formatting> Timestamp Format and choose format Thursday, February 4 2009. To change menu bar, just change with your own url.
Contact me for more question. For three columns version, has been released.
Wow keren....saya stumbleupon dulu...mungkin di masa depan saya pake template ini
ReplyDeletewihh, balu lagi. atu ali atu templit yah. ckckckk. empang maya bakal rame ama kecebong neh.wekekeke.
ReplyDeletetriknya uda diterapin ya.
Woow keren abis...gue boleh donlod gak..?
Harus dicoba nih sudah lama sih kepincutnya
ReplyDelete@mencoba hidup:makasih mbak, saya jg masih belajar kalo ada yg error, hubungi saya aj
@herro:weheheheheh sekali lagi iseng
@rio:thx rio
weh, dimanakah ini diriku?
ReplyDeletekira-kira gw ganti template aja apa yach mbak? simpan aja yach...woi....jangan di pakai dulu yach, gw mao nyoba.heheheh
Dari Malaysia salam kenal
ReplyDeleteheadernya keren banget
ReplyDeletebagus nih!! thanks mas.. :D
ReplyDeleteWuuhuu, tak aku download yah Templatenya, minta ijin sedot
ReplyDeleteThe template is awesome, im usig it on my own Blog, but, i saw that the diferent entrys arent separated, so, the "comments" are at the same line of the new entry, can you tell me how can i separate one from other? thanks =)
ReplyDelete@seamosRealistas: hi thanks for your comment, yess you're right the comments at the same line. I'll try to fix it, give the wider margin. And upload the new one as soon as possible
ReplyDeleteI have the same issue - the comments appear at the same line as the title of the next post.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it seems like the circles graphic in the header doesn't appear when some people open my blog. It looks right on my computer (PC) but I've had 2 other people open it (they happen to have Macs) and they don't see the circles at the top.
@diana: i've updated for three column, you can check my latest post. For the header, better you upload to your own imagehosting such as photobucket. I have planned to replace this template with the new one...thanks for your comment diana
ReplyDeleteMbak ebong buat template....
ReplyDeletebtw, fontnya kurang Gede tuh...
@irfan: hihihihi iyah diriku suka yg kecil kecil..tinggal digedeinn kok font size na
ReplyDeleteHi I can not change color on any posts blog title.
ReplyDeleteHelp me..............................
@fullnekat:check post colow or body color
ReplyDeleteI had a template with so many things, and I had so many gadgets, they were awesome, but my blog was too slow so I had to change it for one simpler like this one and it worked