But now, Blogger.com has made so many improvement and the good news is Blogger added new feature to keep widget when changing template. So do not ever worry about all disappeared widget.
How to? Just upload new xml file as usual through Edit HTML. And there will be notification do you want to keep or delete widget. Choose keep widget.

wakh jadi begitu ya mba...okelah aku coba yah
ReplyDeleteIt's time to learn blogger tools from this blog... thanks sis.
ReplyDeleteOkay mrs bong, last time I change my template it's happen.. and wow... Its more easy to take the modify of template.. we no need to backup the template..
ReplyDeleteLike it!
open thiss..
ReplyDeletegood information..
that's rite, i'v planned to write this also in my blog coz it happend to me when i was changing old template in to your custom design... :)
ReplyDeleteJadi gak perlu ribet lagi...
Ih..Om Blogspot baik :D
tapi ati ati..biasanya jadi dobel post, soalnya Blog1 bisa ketumpuk ama Blog2, jadi musti di delete salah satu
ReplyDeleteHmmm...baru tuh..
ReplyDeleteI am so glad about this feature!
ReplyDeleteMbak,,mau nanya dong, saya kan dah upload template, dan berhasil. lalu ketika di preview semuanya sudah berganti dengn template baru, pas di buka view blog ko masih ttp template yg sama ya? apa nya yg musti di rubah setingannya? templatenya ttp tidak mau ganti, pdhl kmaren2 bisa, di ganti ke template klasik pun ttp template itu yg keluar, apanya yg salh y mbak?
@tegenatika: mungkin browser nya, coba refresh, clear cookies, cache
ReplyDeletesaya mau tanya, saya baru ganti template, tapi gak ada customizeNA yang di sebelah kanan, bagaimana memunculkanNa yaa..??
yang kedua, bagaiman membuat di blog kita ada home, profile, kayak di FB yang kalo kita click muncul menu lagi?
terima kasih
1. customize yang mana ya?
ReplyDelete2. baca postingan ini
How nice and blogger really great. Thanks for this too.
ReplyDeleteoh.. now i know...
ReplyDeletethx 4 this information...
waduh, gambarnya sama dengan yang di cebongipiet.blogspot ya mbak... :-)
ReplyDeleteblog ku tidak bisa diapa-apain lagi
wigdet nya pada hilang bagaimana cara mengembalikan
Dan mau ganti template untuk text tidak bisa lagi. Mohon dibantu