Installation Setting
How to Use?
- Click on download link
- Save xml file on your desktop (save it no need to open)
- Go to blogger dashboard, Layout>Edit HTML
- Upload xml file through upload button
- Save
Open Edit HTML, edit these code below
<div id='NavbarMenu'>
<ul id='nav'>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cake</a></li>
<a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies</a>
<a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies #1</a>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Green</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Red</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Blue</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies #2</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies #3</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies #4</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies #5</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cupcake</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Pudding</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Sweet</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Brownies</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Tart</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cake</a></li>
<li><a href='http://your-link-here'>Cookies</a></li>
This is free template. No special hosting service for image. To avoid bandwidth excedeed, caused image not show up, suggested to back up image and upload to your own hosting. Read this how to. How to backup image?
I have uploaded image file, you can download image here.
Pertamax dulu, mumpung kehabisan...!!!!
Tamplate'x lagi2 bikin ngiler mbak, hahahhaha.... :D
ReplyDeletecupcake? ice cream?? wuiihh.. ngeliatin templet ini ngileeerr terus dong mbak :p
ReplyDeleteWow amazing template..
ReplyDeleteKapan ya aq bs buat template sendiri???
Mbak numpang tanya dong template yang di gbr yg bs gerak itu ketika di mouse over berubah jd gbr yg lebih besar dibawah header itu apa y namanya?
Gara2 gk tau namanya sy smp kayak orang ilang ketika nyari info tsb di dinamic drive.
Mbak sekedar usul nih, gmn klo mbk cebong buat postingan yg mana user bs tanya ke mbak cebong langsung? Kayak sy nih yg bingung klo mau tanya2, bingung mau nulis dimana.
Maaf nih kebanyakan komentarnya..
@desainku: hehhe email aja ke
ReplyDeleteaku liat preview nya kok g ada gambar yg kamu maksud..malah cuman template biasa.. link URL nya aj jgn previewnya
I love this template but I don't need all the pull down menus. How do I delete the ones I don't need. Also, the date doesn't show even though I went in and deleted display:none. Any suggestions? Thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat template for women
ReplyDelete@tammy: read installation setting for
ReplyDeleteNavigation Menu Setting
delete all code
to display date simply, change your time stamp format to date, access through Setting>Formatting>Timestamp format
Thanks for this nice new template, Ipiet! I'll use it for my dessert blog :)
ReplyDeleteMbak..kayanya ini kan dulu pernah di posting sama mbak bong ya?
ReplyDeleteapa bedanya sama template yang dulu?
@itik bali: :D sama aja kok
ReplyDelete@ny minute:thanks :)
kaya'nya produk lama kang ipiet...?
ReplyDeleteato ada modifikasi lagi ya di template ini?
REad the menu set up and when I put in the new code all the words are still there.
ReplyDelete@tammy: you dont need menu, so delete it, which one? the code between <li> and </li>
ReplyDelete@centarl:yg dulu cuma dipajang, belum dikasi xml nya kan
ReplyDeletecentral... cebong wi mbak lo.. bukan kang, hehehe
ReplyDeletedirimu emang melebihi cowok soal vektor bong, minimal melebihi diriku, hag hag hag..
loads of errors in the code - not optimized for different browsers, almost all show line break bug, type something continuous in sidebar and it's out of bounds !
ReplyDeletewhat browser you use?
ReplyDeleteuse to take all browser screenshots
ReplyDeleteEvery time I make a change the cakes disapear - it's driving me nuts!
ReplyDelete@ballon:what's the change? save that image, upload to your own imagehosting such as photobucket, this is free template, no hosting service
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply. I uploaded the code into blogger and it's fine, then I make a few changes and the cakes are gone. I add a widget from Flickr or Youtube. I've tried deleting them but still no cakes.
It's back and working - Yipee, looks cool.
ReplyDelete@ballon: yess, this is because image bandwidth is limited, if too many people use the template with the same hosting, caused image not show up. read my post update to back up image.
Excellent a solution, where do I find your 'post update to backup image' thing?
ReplyDelete@ballon:just click that link. how to backup image to your own hosting
ReplyDeleteaku udah apply ke blog-ku (depezahrial.blogspot). Ternyata anyaaaarrr toooo!
ReplyDeletetapi aku masih bingung euy, gimana ya supaya di postinganku bisa dikasih "baca semua ocehan" aka "read more" ? makluuumm .. ibu-ibu gaptek, kemaren aja butuh 2 jam untuk nyobain ngorek-ngorek kode untuk navigation bar *belom ketemu blog ini*, ternyata gitu doang yah? hihihihi... Tapi masih ada masalah... dari keseluruhan menu di navigation bar, kok cuman beberapa ya yang muncul? Yang lain ada di bawahnya dan nggak keliatan gitu.... Tolong doonggg....
ReplyDeleteharus sesuai nulis kodenya :) mana url blognya?
lha itu mbak'e...(bener kan mbak-mbak? bukan mas-mas?)
Thanks nice template!
ReplyDeletehi, may i ask how to change the fonts of the main blog header - in this case it's Cookiez?
ReplyDelete#header h1 {
font-size: 44px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 30px 0 0 80px;
text-decoration: none;
#header h1 a, #header h1 a:visited {
font-size: 44px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-decoration: none;
add your own font family
for example
font-family:verdana, arial, tahoma;
under font-weight
Mbak, bagaimana kalo template ini mau dipasang di hosting pribadi, apa bisa?
ReplyDeletehenry:selama platform blogger tentu bisa
ReplyDeletehola, instale esta plantilla en mi blog pero no se como hacer funcionar la barra de navegacion, no entiendo muy bien las instrucciones, podria verlas en español, no se como hacer que aparezca la informacion de la barra.tengo otros problemas pero ese es el mas importante.
ReplyDelete@candy :
ReplyDeletecada cambio "http://your-link-here" a su puesto de url
por ejemplo, su texto se ancla cookies, por lo que reemplazar "http://your-link-here" con post acerca de "cookies" URL ""
change every "http://your-link-here" to your url post
for example your anchor text is Cookies, so replace "http://your-link-here" with post URL about cookies ""
hi. i like this template. thanks
ReplyDeleteWonderful, I like that one.
ReplyDeleteHi Ipietoon!
ReplyDeleteI'm using this template and I love it. Thank you much, terima kasih ya.
thanks for all comment :)
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm currently using the template..really cute and loving it!im looking forward for more templates like this. *wink*
ReplyDeleteI was having problems with the date as well, before I read through the comments on how to make it appears.
i deleted the cake, cookies menus anyway..hope it's ok..=)
@chamen: that's okey... :) thanks
ReplyDeleteOiii punyaku error di
ReplyDeletethanks so much for these wonderful template! i've been loyal to your flower garden template when i encounter problems with ads showing in my blog. probably i messed up with some codes that needed to be inserted in the xml.
ReplyDeletei love cookiez template! more power!
hi there! I just got a problem with my layout. Suddenly my right side bar widgets went to the footer. I even tried the cosmetic girl but its the same. the right side bar menu is missing. please i need help! thanks so much!
ReplyDeletehi , i've checkedd your blog, nothing problem, and your sidebar display properly
ReplyDeleteIn the code I find parameters for Search but I don't know how to get it to show. Must I unhide the navheader?
ReplyDelete@lyn: no, thats just my rest of CSS, you can delete it.. I didnt put search form, you can use Search blogger gadget
ReplyDeleteThanks for a quick reply!
ReplyDeleteHi, love the template works great for my blog. just wondering how to make it into 3 columns. I need a column on each side of the main colum. can i do this easily?
ReplyDeleteyou should know about HTML structure, move sidebar code on each side of main column
ReplyDeleteThanks, I have figured it out. just learning and teaching myself how to do it all.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this awesome template. I used it on my scrapbooking blog. Love it! Thank you
ReplyDeletebagus ya! aku pake ya
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this free template. I'm using it now. It's great. But one small problem here. The posts on my first page of my blog show COMMENTS (on the same line with Author, Time, Category) from my readers. But on subsequent blog pages, the COMMENT link does not appear anymore. What is the reason for this? Thanks very much for advising.
@esther : you need to edit some HTML...
ReplyDeleteopen edit HTML
tick mark on expand widget template
find this
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<span class='comment-link'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>1 <data:top.commentLabel/><b:else/><data:post.numComments/> <data:top.commentLabelPlural/></b:if></a>
change to
<span class='comment-link'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a class='comment-links' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>1 <data:top.commentLabel/><b:else/><data:post.numComments/> <data:top.commentLabelPlural/></b:if></a>
Thank you very much. My problem has been solved. Thanks for your prompt reply.
ReplyDeleteBest Regards
ReplyDeletesorry to trouble you again. i tried to add music playlist from MixPod to my blog, but seems that the music cannot be played. is it because of this cookiez blog template that i used that cause this problem?
Kindly check for me pls. thank you very very much.
my website:
I never use that widget. :)
ReplyDeletei just suggest u to put widget on sidebar
that;s better than put it on footer
Just found your template being used by someone who has removed your information in the footer and replaced their own name as being the designer. They are taking credit for your work. Just thought you should know. Here is the site.
ReplyDelete@anonym: thanks :)
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome. just thought you should know since you did all of the work. and I saw that you have posted for users to NOT remove your information yet they did anyway.
ReplyDeletekak aku mw nanya..
ReplyDeletekok klu aku mw edit menu nya sring ga bs.. emg nya batas utk ng-hapus nya dmana??? soalnya suka kluar tulisan
"Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The element type "ul" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""."
soalnya ada yg aku mw hapus di antara smua menu.. kbnyakan...
@sohwa: cukup di edit http://URL.. jangan sampai menghapus kode ul atau li
ReplyDelete@anonym: yes.. I did it free.. no charge, hope they can respect by not removing link :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehey i solved the problem. once again thx for the lovely blog!
ReplyDeletesorry its me again. is there anyway to change the date to be under post by : instead of on top of the Title?
ReplyDeleteIf can't, how can I change the font size of the date?
@estelle: edit this {
margin: 1.5em 0 .5em;
insert code
so all code become {
margin: 1.5em 0 .5em;
nanya donk...
ReplyDeletegimana nih, kok post oldernya nyangkut di atas (sebelah judul posting yg pertama), g lengkap pula tulisannya... hiks
tolong dibantu yaaa....
makasi :)
@deetha: baca post ini ya
ReplyDeleteMy blog using this Cookiez template always have small problem every now and then :-( This time round, the link Newer Post, Home & Older Post all jumbled up at the side, in fact can't even see it if you are not observant enough. What can I do about it? Thanks a million for your advice.
read my previous comment
i lke it! i used fr my blog, terimksih cebong!
ReplyDeletemy nav bar did not work! gimana sih!
ReplyDeleteolderpost saya mengapa terhide?
read my previous comment
thanks, its ok, just strugle in the nav bar again, may i know how to make all font for my gadget small?
ReplyDeleteIn this template, the side bar font is to big for me... i want it to be small..
Pls advise, i know maybe this question is stupid...but im appreciated if u can help me..
is it in every gadget i need to change the font size? if yes, how the script?
hai.. aku kan udah ganti menu navbar nya dengan yg aku mau, nahh.. gimana sih cara supaya tulisan menu navbar nya bisa gede kecil ?? misalnya aku mau nulis 'home' dgn tulisan 'Home' ,, tapi kok yg keluar malah 'home' ?? huruf H nya ga gede ?? gimana sih cara nya ?? thx
ReplyDeletehi thanks for your template
ReplyDeleteCan you please help me? I couldn't view NEXT PAGE. It doesnt show.
@suqma: coba cari di Edit HTML, navbar-menu , cari lowercase, ganti menjadi titlecase
ReplyDelete@an adventure : read this please
@sekoci: on sidebar, find font-size, just edit it
thanks! I done it. However, I am having problem with the line spacing. There is no more spacing at all even I edit it on 'edit posts'
ReplyDeleteThank you
Howdy... thanks for this cute templates.
ReplyDeletebut; can u help me please?
i just cant find the small icon showing the Author, Time, Category and Comment... It doesn't show.
Thanks for this template. I have a question about adding a space between the words in my nav bar. The first word Home and second word Cakes are stuck together. I tried adding but that didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteit works!!!
Hello there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome template. I've edited it to make it suit my blog and it looks superb. But I've got one tiny problem.
When you click on my blog;
you can see the comments icon and number of comments just fine.
But when you click on an individual post;
the number of comments go missing and the only thing left is the comments icon.
Please help.
pinjam templatenya ya Mbak :)
bu Bong, aku newbie, gaptek lagi, itu maksudnya 'Navigation Menu Setting'..kita hapus yang lama trus copy-paste gitu apa gimana ya?
ReplyDeleteeeh I have figured out..he..he..dasar 'ndeso' dech!, makasih bu Bong!..kapan design 'family' template lagi ..?
ReplyDeletemb Bong, aku lagi nich, gimana caranya bikin 'fancy fonts' ya terutama buat header apa judul posting, aku udah nyoba berkali kali pake google API kog ga bisa sich?..desperado nich!
nak tanya.nagivation menu setting 2 nak edit mcm mana??nak paste kod tu kat mane??x phamla
ReplyDelete@suqma: coba cari di Edit HTML, navbar-menu , cari lowercase, ganti menjadi titlecase << cannot find ... so i change here
ReplyDelete#nav li a, #nav li a:link, #nav li a:visited {
color: #FFF;
display: block;
font-weight: normal;
text-transform: titlecase;
margin: 0;
padding: 9px 15px 8px;
and it's work!
Hi Admin..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nice template..
masalahnya Older Post & Newer Post di blog saya hilang & tiada. Bila saya check dia seperti tersepit di belah atas..
myblog is :
Kedua-duanya tiada.. Please advice..
One more thing.. saya lihat di Link Cth Cookies/Cake dll ada pengguna lain yang bila buat link /p/.. sedangkan link saya sangat panjang.. .. bagaimana mau buat link 'p' itu ye.. sbb kalau boleh saya tidak mau paparkan kandungan link yang diambil dari penulisan blog itu..
TQ & have a nice day
Hi admin.. i already add clear:both;. SO it's work. TQ.. Just need your help on my 2nd question.. TQVM;
ReplyDeleteHi and many thanks for your template. I have been using it for about a year but as sometimes I need to upload bigger pictures, I would like to widen my main wrapper without affecting too much the content wrapper. I have been trying to do it by editing the HTML code but I can´t get good results. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your help!
Hello. I love the template but I see a problem. Pagination does not work. Can not go earlier or later entries. Would you know tell me why?
ReplyDeleteThank You Soo much
@anna: please read this to fix a problem
This solution does not work with this template. Try
ReplyDeletei've tried it :)
ReplyDeletesaya izin pake yang ini ya.. penggemar ipitoon nie.. hehe
ReplyDeletembak kalau mau ganti gambar yang diatas gimana ya?
ReplyDeleteblogku :
Hi, I've been using this template for a long time. Recently I noticed I must have done something that caused my "Newer Post/Home/Older Post" to display strangely. If you can give any support at all still for this template, I would appreciate a lot. Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeletehi Lyn
ReplyDeleteplease read this to fix the problem
YAY! It worked! Thanks so much... I love this template so much and now it's perfect again!
ReplyDeleteerm how i put java stript ?
ReplyDeletehi, maap ni mau tny, gmn si carany upload lwt upload button? blh mnta code nya aja?
ReplyDeletejust click download link please
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for your Cookdiez, i like it so much.
ReplyDeleteI have one problem, im trying to change the names that apeared on the green bar , but i cant understand how i can changed.
(sorry for my englis) :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemba ak izin upload untuk blog ku ya aini's cakes
ReplyDeletecool.. i love it.
ReplyDeleteit's look nice in my web
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ReplyDeleteCookies is the nice and more interesting shared on the site that can be more entertainment and enjoy it. Those people are very like it.
ReplyDeletesukaaaaaaa tapi ko ga bisa nge-download ya...? :'(
ReplyDeleteHello! Thank you for your template, I Love it!! I just have two questions.
ReplyDelete1. how I delete the home button? if you see in the Demo template the layout doesn't allow to see this button, It just shows the letter "H".
2. I created new pages in my blog and the menu in the right side of the template (Lorem Ipsum, My blog list, labels) appear on those new pages and I just want to have them in the main page only, is there a way to fix that?
I will appreciate your help on this =:)
Izin download ya kak ;)