Nov 28, 2008

Pinky Stripe Template

This template is so cute especially for a girl love pink. I embed it with favicon, and there's three coloumn at lower so it's usefull if your blog have a lot of widget.
You can customize using your own header
Download file [HERE]


  1. bagus juga nih... kita bisa pasang header sesuai keinginan kita ya, bong?

  2. @caroline:iyupz mah, bener *hehe sbnrnya alesan aja* belom bikin header xixixiix

  3. jualan taplate yak... salam kenal yak.. blogwalk... oke oke.............

  4. I donno how to use it..Can teach? Post some way to teach how to use tis templet or comment on my C-Box~


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008