Jan 1, 2015

Vintage Cupcakery Blogspot Template

Combination of wood texture and cute cupcakes icon, here I present you Vintage Cupcakery blogspot template. This is custom blogspot template only but feel free to convert it to another blog platform such as Tumblr, Wordpress, etc.

Im sorry, I have no free time to accept any custom design or answer any question. Use this template as it is. It can't be adjusted using Blogger feature, tweak the XML code only.

Use this Cupcakes template for your kitchen, cake, bakery blog, and show to the world your sweetest blog.

Preview this cute template HERE, and download the XML file HERE.


  1. Simply cuteness adorable template.

  2. Gak pengen buat responsive tanpa membuang style yg seperti ini?

    1. Ngga ngerti tentang responsif atau kode HTML yg baru baru :v
      Karena targetnya user wanita yang ga pengen macem macem sih

  3. Kalo gambar cake nya dihapusin bisa ngga kak? :D

    1. Silakan remove kode background header untuk remove


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008