Oct 4, 2012

Personal Blog of Nana Soemarno

This is the first time of my coding job. I usually only accept for custom design job. And last week, Ms Nana ask me to make her design come true. She gives her custom design and then I work with its coding.

She comes with lovable design for her personal blog. Take a look at a cute woman in her room with cupcake and pet. So lovely. What do you think? Visit her site here


  1. Real talent you have here! How about a korean-feel theme? ^^

    1. thank you... wish have more free time to create free template :D

  2. really cutee ><
    hope you can create more free template :D

  3. i love your templates! they are indeed cute. just wanna ask how can I download them?

  4. how to request our own blog template? is it free?

  5. how can dwn? please reply fast!! ^^
    i love this tmpltes!! :D

  6. She has changed her blog template. And I think this template is better than than the new one.


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008