Sep 12, 2012

Ngerantang Catering Blog Design

Mba Nining email me and ask for cute blog design for her catering service blog. She want a fresh color and choose orange green color. Not too strong color so I suggest a pastel color as usual. Ngerantang is her blog title, because she thinks that rantang or food pot/pan represent her catering business.

For header graphic, I design a woman with her hijab hold pan and spoon surrounded by kitchen set and food ingredients.  Here is the blog preview


  1. Love it ^^
    how much the price for this website?
    Can I ask for a free template design?

    1. hello

      i dont accept any request for free template :D
      just give a free template as it is
      please search my free template category to find it

  2. wow... very niche theme mbak :)
    unieq juga yah buat cute theme gtu

  3. can i ask for free template design ?

  4. Cute.... ^^
    how much the price for this website?
    Can I ask for a free template design?
    Please send my

  5. O my god.. How cute! I want one to for my cooking blog can you make that for me and what is the price?

  6. can i have this template for my recipe blog??

  7. Cute.... ^^
    how much the price for this website?
    Can I ask for a free template design?


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Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008