Nov 22, 2009

She's a Lady

She is a Lady, girly blogger template with unique static image at left side. Customized with lady and swirl vector. Suits your personal diary blog.

Installation Setting
  1. Click on download link. New window will appear, then click download
  2. Save xml file to your desktop. Remember, just save it no need to open
  3. Go to blogger dashboard
  4. Go to Layout>Edit HTML
  5. Click upload, choose downloaded xml file
  6. Save

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  1. lady again lady again :((
    when for men dude

  2. Good theme - light, airy and light =)
    I like it)

  3. Mbak..aku sebagai fans beratmu..
    kalo ada template baru wes..
    aku sing ambil kaplingan dulu..

  4. Mau tak pake template yang ini mbak..
    ini yang aku rindukan dari dulu.
    ayo tak tunggu templit selanjutnya..
    yang kuereeennn yo mba
    cewek banget, tapi full adsense gitu

  5. Sekarang aku tinggal nyari templit untuk blog yang ini mbak..
    aku fans beratmu..
    makanya aku nunggu templitnya mba ebong aja

  6. @itik: walaah rombongan :p iyah ditunggu aja
    @Lana: thanks Lana
    @gondes: i have published new one for man
    @subagya: like me?

  7. pr 6 gila !! nyaingin neh hehe.. selamat yah mbak atas usahanya :)

  8. Hello,
    I have got problem to use your theme. I import it into blogger. I hit 'upload' and 'confirm and save', then I reach a white page.

    Have you any suggesion to help me ?

  9. heeyy all follow mee

  10. Thank you it is working now after some code modification.

  11. Hello,

    Very good.

  12. Thank you,


  13. Hey! i have been using this layout for almost a month now and it's really amazing.

    I dont know why just now the lady on the left suddenly disappeared.

    i tried to reload the whole template but it won't work as well.

    do you know what is wrong and do you know how to fix it?

    please help because i really like this template and dont wanna change...

    thanks so much!

    could you please reply to my mailbox?

  14. hi catherine, i've visitied your blog. and the lady is still there. :)

  15. i try to copy the XML to my blog..but cannot save..what should i do

  16. Mba.. aku coba pake template ini, kok lady-nya ga kliatan full ya?? Cuma sampe mata aja mba.

    Aku pernah pake yang reflection, baru ganti minggu lalu, lagi pengen pelangi. Tak ada rencana bikin template yang berbau pelangi kah mba :D

  17. pake template ini ya..thanks

  18. COOL...Izin download ya mba:)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  24. Nice template again and i got so many new designs from this website.

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  27. This is a really fun theme, are there others that are similar that you've done?

  28. The theme would be good for a girl! I know some girls! I'll show it to them. Thanks!

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  30. i hope this theme can install in my blog. tks

  31. The grateful blogger shared on the site in this blogger so very well and enjoyable so that can be enjoy it in this blogger. Most of the time people are very like it and enjoy it in this blogger.


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